16x16 indoor rpg tileset: the baseline
16x16 indoor rpg tileset: the baseline
Hello everyone! This was commissioned (quite a while ago) by Bartk for his jrpg project. It's a rather basic indoor tileset built for a 16x16 grid. I think it covers the basics pretty well, but of course it could use more stuff. If you see something missing that you'd like added, please put it in a comment! I'm hoping to put out an expansion pack at some point.
Ideas for the expansion so far:
stools/mugs for bar
potted plants
wall lamp
books to lay on tables
pots and pans
Note that the characters in the preview are Antifarea's sweet 16x16 dudes, who seem to mesh pretty well with this.
If you use this, please drop me a line! It's not required or anything, but I'd love to see it!
Edit: added the relevant tiles from http://opengameart.org/content/32x32-and-16x16-rpg-tiles-forest-and-some...

May be adding a chimney and some tapestry would make the place more cosy.
I'm using parts of this tileset for PagesOfAdventure.
Thanks for the good tileset.
Thanks! I'm glad to see this being used! =D
Hello Redshrike,
Since PagesOfAdventure uses 32x32 tiles I scaled them up using Gimp. Sadly this didn't give me the effect I wanted. But scaling the image up with Scale2X works perfectly.
What I wanted to ask is could you bookshelfes from the side instead of from the front?
Thanks in advance!
@pagesofadventure: OK, I've updated it with a side view of the book shelf (though I warn you, it's not terribly exciting). Also a quick fix to the counters which I forgot needed to be done. Good luck with your project, I'll be checking it out every now and then.
Looks amazing. I'm definately going to use this for my html5 canvas engine. I'll post the link once I've implemented it.
And thanks to PagesOfAdventure for the scale2x link, I'll definitely use that, too.
Nice work! Thank you.
Just to let you know - I'm using the preview of this on Soundcloud, for my "JRPG collection" music. Thanks very much for making this available - it's really nice. I've credited you on the left hand side of my profile page, together with all the other credits.
The collection is up on OGA here.
i favorited it, so it has 50 and i can put it into the most-popular-art collection
Nice pixelart!!
Hi there! I am requesting for your permission to use your art/music/tileset/sound effect for a RPG. I look forward to your reply. To confirm your acceptance/denial, please contact me at roycelim578@gmail.com. Thank you in advance!
You don't need to ask for permission.
The art is under CC By 3.0 (as shown in the left panel.)
CC By 3.0 states you may use the art in any project, even commercially- so long as you credit the original creator somehow. There is also an option for the creator to decide if they need a special method of accreditation- as there is none written here, it's safe to assume any method of accreditation is fine- basically, as long as you name the person somewhere, you're fine.
Good work, thanks for sharing.
Does anyone know how I could expand the sprites?
Since in my project I work with 21x21 sprites.
It would pretty much have to be done manually, since just resizing them will produce some nasty artifacts. That said it shouldn't be too difficult for someone to do. I unfortunately don't have time for it but it wouldn't be very difficult for someone with basic pixel art skills.
Oh well, thanks.
But with what program could i do it?
Made the red rug tileable. CC0
Nice, it was just what I needed
Hi, I will use this:)
Thank you!