16x16 Sidescroller Tileset
16x16 Sidescroller Tileset
Sunday, January 26, 2014 - 19:47
Art Type:
These tilesets were done for a mockup animation for an ecology show called "Cambio de Habitos", but they're totally functional and tileable. In the preview you can see some of the tiles used.
There is also a couple of two frame animations, like some speakers and a bird, and an "A" and "B" buttons being pulsed.
NOTE: The characters in the preview are not included, only the tiles and the "extras" described above.

Probably shouldn't add sprites to the preview that aren't actually included such as the people. Nice tileset though, everything looks nice and clean.
I edited the description to clarify that the characters are not included.
Glad you liked it!
Will you be making the sprites available on OGA?
I probably won't, since they represent the show characters. But more than that, they are really sloppy, so perhaps I can make new ones that go with the tileset style if you people want to.
I agree with the already represented confusion. Could you make a preview without the characters and simply with the extras and animations?
Amazing !!
Fantastic! Id love to see more modern tiles around here!