16x16 Snowy Town Tiles
16x16 Snowy Town Tiles
Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 18:37
Art Type:
An edit of surt's Town Tiles to be snowy. Made for the Eternal Ice Art Challenge.

An edit of surt's Town Tiles to be snowy. Made for the Eternal Ice Art Challenge.
Amazing !
So cool. This is how open art should work.
Had to chime in on this. Very impressive work -- I've added it to the collection of 16x16 RPG assets, and I'll be including it with Orange. :)
Thanks everyone! I'll be excited to see this in a game.
Very nice. Much better than the original.
Surt, don't sell yourself short. Your town tiles rock. :)
Yeah, as I started working on this I realized how elegant they were. It's not easy to tile something that versitile with so few tiles. I'm impressed.
Congratulations on winning the challenge! You did a great job and definitely deserved victory.
Actually, I feel a bit like I cheated because this is an edit of existing tiles. I'm really glad everyone likes it though. Thank you so much! Next time I will enter some original tiles.
Editing existing tiles is great. Being able to build on other people's work is one of the major strengths of FOSS.
Nice! :D
But what is the license of this Tileset?
Can i use them for an Apache 2.0 Open Source Project?
I like. Very nice
i don't understand how to use this, since it's a gif?
How would you use it if it were a .png?