32x32 (and 16x16) RPG Tiles--Forest and some Interior Tiles

32x32 (and 16x16) RPG Tiles--Forest and some Interior Tiles


Hello once again!  Here we have a 32x32 forest tileset with some grass/undergrowth, a tree, a forest, a cliffside and some various odds and ends.  It comes in both a dark version and, by popular IRC demand, a somewhat lightened version.  Feel free to make your own coloration!  Also included are a few interior tiles I did as a test.

These tiles were comissioned by Gaurav Munjal for his awesome HTML5 Canvas Old School RPG, which you can see at http://gaurav0.github.com/Old-School-RPG-Map.I definitely suggest you check it out.

As part of CC-By, please link back to this page.

dark_forest.png dark_forest.png 52 Kb [7888 download(s)]
light_forest_tileset_0.png light_forest_tileset_0.png 51.1 Kb [7483 download(s)]
testtiles32x32_castle.png testtiles32x32_castle.png 12 Kb [6381 download(s)]