$12256 / $11500
If you ever wore a bowl on your head and fought monsters with a toy sword, this model is for you.
I would love to make a game on this theme, where parents keep an imaginative child busy by giving him quests to defeat monsters throughout the house, backyard, etc.
Low poly. Unwrapped but not painted.
Awesome! :D The texturing is excellent I think!
Thanks, pfunked! Are you by chance on the blender artist forums by another name?
Anonymous, no I haven't joined the blender artist forums (though I'm not opposed to such).
I had a similar idea once albeit it was more of a fantasy about a game that switched between you being a kid whacking stuff with a toy sword, and then switching into a more realistically styled game taking place in the childs imagination.
just found this one, this is awesome. Wish somebody would make a game on this. That would be something :P
A simplified version of this model appears in the game Auti-Sim, a mini game that's getting a lot of coverage/news lately. http://gamejolt.com/games/strategy-sim/auti-sim/12761/