Airship song (orchestral remix)
Airship song (orchestral remix)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 - 21:16
Art Type:
airship song remix.flac 8.5 Mb [479 download(s)]
airship_remix.ogg 2.2 Mb [614 download(s)]
you should make mp3 file
I prefer people being forced to learn to use flac :3
heh :P
this is no site to fill your IPod with content, but rather to deliver media for games and while mp3 loses quality compared to the original, flac doesn't
feel free to make an mp3 yourself, but there is no good reason to upload one here
but how to read a flac file?
get some decent player like VLC or convert it to a format you can read
and how to convert???
oggenc should be installed on most Linux systems and will let you convert a .flac to a .ogg file. should be able to do the same, and works on Windows. On Linux you can use the tools flac and lame to convert to .mp3; for a GUI/Windows alternative to that, you'll have to ask someone else. Audacity might be able to do it. here is an ogg version that is in supertux
Thanks! I added the ogg to the submission.