Ice Demon 2D - creature
Ice Demon 2D - creature
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 22:07
Art Type:
This is one of the ~50 creatures of the free open source online PvP TBS game project under development
Attribution Instructions:
Credit/link the following:
Ancient Beast (game project)
Katarzyna Zalecka (artwork)

i am interested in reuse some monsters in my own game in developing.
Is there a version without the background? (i am not sure about how i design it and as i have a neat monster set without background i think i would go for that or maybe edit them myself otherwise...)
Oh wait i found it thankyou for the link :)
Is there anywhere that explicitly states that Katarzyna's concept art can be redistributed under CC BY-SA? The DeviantArt submission doesn't say anything about Creative Commons licensing. I didn't find any graphics licensing info on the Ancient Beasts website either.
Also, just a note, Katarzyna seems to have changed her DeviantArt username to Sythgara:
She usually made things first and then got proposed/accepted by the project later. Sometimes already existing concepts were proposed to the project and it took me quite a while to make use of them and integrate them into the project. If you notice, the deviations are in the project's deviantArt's group. We list our licenceses on GitHub and project's dA group at least. Thanks for expressing your concerns, there are plans to make things more obvious by having a license related widget under artworks on the website and some articles about it in the near future (and even videos explainign more about the project from multiple points of view, technical/gameplay/culture/etc.). When I first met her on dA, she didn't even knew what open source was, so don't be surprise if licensings around there don't properly match. Ice Demon for example has been 3d modeled and even the 2d concept has been used in several places already throughout the years, crediting her and the project :-)
I know about the name change, she did it a few times as she had an online identity crysis, so I didn't bothered updating stuff all over everytime since dA redirects just fine to the proper page.
Thank you for the explanation. I had seen it in the AncientBeast DA page & figured that what you explained might be the case since it had been up here on OGA for so long. Just wanted to make sure.