Landscape Asset v2
Landscape Asset v2
Friday, July 11, 2014 - 22:25
Art Type:
This is my second low poly 3D Landscape asset pack inspired by Kenney
I added water based tiles and elevated tiles.
Also changed the design of the tunnel and bridge. Set contains 57 unique tiles Feel free to let me know what you made with them. allways curious to see stuff I create being used :) for more info check my site or follow me on twitter @eracoon Have fun

the link to your site brings me to a "page not found" site of oga, like it would be content
it shows me "" if i hover the link.
edit: there is now a link to the right page in my post
thank you for mentioning this :)
I've change the link accordingly.
Nice artwork!! Thx ;)
Does it come with the colors? if so i dont get the colors when i download it
I love these!
These look absolutely great. I'm currently using them to develop a PUBG/Fortnite style game. They fit perfectly with the low-poly people I've got.