More RPG enemies!
More RPG enemies!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 - 21:50
Art Type:
Hey everyone,
Well, I've accumulated a few more of these over the past months. These I have made mostly for fun without any particular direction, hence the general randomness of the designs. Featured are, from left to right and top to bottom:
Some sort of horrorterror (having fun with lighting there)
A shrimp-dragon
A winged thing
Some sort of devil
Some sort of cave abomination
A tentacled, eyed critter
A hobgoblin
A Caveswallow man (dwarf fortress?)
A plump helmet man (dwarf fortress!)
See the collection of similarly-styled enemies here:
For credit, give credit to Stephen Challener (Redshrike). Please also include a link back to
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Stephen Challener (Redshrike), hosted by

The tentacles&eye thing is pretty cool
I used a these sprites (and a lot of your other monster sprites) in my Hiragana Game. The hope is that it makes memorizing the Hiragana a little more fun by making it feel like a classic RPG battle.
Thanks Redshrike for making all these sprites available.
- Adam
The caveswallow man is really creative! I've used it in my game [url=]Where They Live[/url] (though heavily modified it.) Thank you for making these available.
The caveswallow man is really creative! I've used it in my game (though heavily modified it.)
Thank you for making these available.
Hello. Is this CC-BY 3.0, or CC-BY-SA 3.0?
I'm using one of these characters in my next production, and I would like to know if I need to abide by the ShareAlike license.
Hello. Each of the licenses is standalone, so you can pick whichever one you like. Meaning you don't need to use the sharealike license, as you can just use either CC-By or OGA-By, which are each more permissive.
The only reason -SA is listed as an option is because that was the original license and I think it's a good idea to not just remove reference to it.
Ohh, I see. Thanks for clarifying, Redshrike! I've only taken one of these, the helmeted fighter, and spent all day today animating him, lol. Thank you for sharing! :)