SVG Kart (with Tux)
SVG Kart (with Tux)
Monday, January 9, 2012 - 02:54
Art Type:
A kart in SVG format I made just for training. And then I added Tux on it.

A kart in SVG format I made just for training. And then I added Tux on it.
Wow. This is gorgeous.
How did you do that? Seriously in an SVG editor from the start, or did you render it in 3D and use that as a base?
Either way, excellent work!
Thanks for the comment.
For building the kart, I just use a reference photography. By the way, I made a kind of cook book for the SVG Invetory Icons (my previous submit). It is there:
The process is a little bit different for this one but not so much (and sorry for my english).
Tux was just added in a second time from a quick sketch.
I see a problem in this picture. An unique, but a big one:
Trying to not overused it in my supertuxkart tracks.
Nice job.
Hi Johann - the tutorial is great. How come you advocate having shape/fill on different objects? Doesn't that make it difficult to make edits? (you'd then need to make edits on multiple copies)
Hi Toeholds. Indeed having shape/fill on different objects makes edits difficult. That's why, I didn't do anyone.
I draw shapes with Bezier's curves tool, so, for me, these shapes are like "final inking" which won't move anymore. And if sometimes I am not sure, I just draw the shape without the fill, and once the shape is good I copy it to make the fill.
The point is to never modify a shape/fill pair because it is really too boring. It is a little bit complex process, but it is the only way to make this kind of stuff :