Tiny Naval Battle Sounds Set
Tiny Naval Battle Sounds Set
Thursday, July 26, 2012 - 20:22
Art Type:

Made for a sound request on the open commissions forums.
Based on US military videos and a public domain audio recording from pdsounds.tuxfamily.org.
EDIT: updated with more water splash sounds.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
optional: Iwan Gabovitch <qubodup@gmail.com>

Now with additional preview for added splash sounds.
Sound Ideas explosion from the "professionalvideo" US Military video sound extract.
@undesired: I need you to be specific about what you're talking about. Because right now it seems to me like Sound Ideas and qubodup may have gotten the explosion sound from the same public domain video. Is that possible, or am I misunderstanding something?
You think they would take sounds from a recent video, clean it up, and somehow turn back time to release them in 1992?
I need links that provide evidence of infringement. I still don't know what video you're referring to.
I removed a few sounds on my freesound military sfx pack after a comment - probably by leilei (undesired) - claimed they were protected. (this was probably in 2012) I had to agree that they sounded a bit too good to be self made by us military and remembered that the video from which they were taken seemed very edited sound-wise, when I ripped them from us military video material back in 2009, naively thinking "they probably made sure they have the rights to publish the result as public domain material".
It would be really helpful if the filename was pointed out (I assumed you mean the ExplosionMetal*wav files) and if there was a way to prove that the sound actually was originally from a sound library (not easy if the libraries aren't online available legally in the case of soundideas of course). If you could have been able to point out the exact soundideas sound pack, it would have been helpful.
So I couldn't confirm that the sound was taken from a protected library but figured better safe than sorry and that leilei is more experienced at tracking down protected game assets, so now this submission contains a different explosion, which is taken from a military video recording, which did not make the impression of being edited - http://www.freesound.org/people/qubodup/sounds/67474/
@undesired: Do you consider this issue closed now, or are their further problems? If there are further problems, please be specific about the sound files in question, and link to evidence of infringement so I can check into it, rather than making vague comments. For the record, I googled this stuff, and I got a lot of dead links and no evidence of anything.
This is cool! :D