Topdown Tileset
Topdown Tileset
Saturday, August 23, 2014 - 11:43
Art Type:
Hi guys,
This is a quick rerender of my 'Unknown Horizons' isometric tile pack. Made originally for Unknown Horizons and rerendered by request for Sunlight.
They are 64x64 however I have also uploaded the .blend file so they could be rendered at other sizes if needed!
Thought they may be of use to others, and would likely get forgotten about if I simply added them in a comment on my other submission.
Credit for the original tiles goes to Clint Bellanger:
I never know with this stuff whether to mark it as 2D or 3D, is there a general concensus on this?
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Please credit Clint Bellanger for the original tiles.
Please credit me as Daniel Stephens or Scribe!
I'm sure a link back to Unknown Horizons and OGA would be appreciated!

Dear Scribe,
topdown tiles looks great!
I shrink 64*64 and resize them to 16*16 to make my whole topdown tiled background image looks more broarder. But I just resize them with common picture view tool. I have concern that they will not look good than shrink from vector tool.
how to use your blend files to shrink and resize them?
thanks again ;)
Amazing graphics.
Dear Scribe,
When you are free after 5th, would you please make PNG files in ts_deep0 folders into 1136*768 pixels. 72 pixels/inch.
So sorry for trouble you again ;)