60 CC0 Vegetation textures
60 CC0 Vegetation textures
Friday, November 22, 2013 - 11:53
Art Type:
This package contains 60 different Vegetation-textures, all are from burningwell
the preview uses down-scaled images from these plants.
it's a good quality, and ca 50% of them i deleted the background, the rest had no background when i downloaded them from bw.
the last 10 textures are not from the texture-category, you can find these under plants.

there are two ways to delete the background with gimp:
the first is easy and fast, it is the select by color-tool.
this works good with the first (downscaled) example.
but this method doesn't work with the second image, you have to use the paths-tool.
it has more favorites than downloads (-:
Not perfect, but usable with a few tweaks. Some color bleeds and the shadows need to be removed on some. Overall pretty good, thanks much for sharing. Yay for CC0!
there are some textures, where i didn't delete the background, like plant 29 or 34, i found them without background, but you can clean the borders, if you want it.
I notice, some of them have already been used by nobiax and I also used some of them. For example the third from the start, this kind of leaves I used for my first tree, the konserian swamptree, later I found out that this leaves are from an acacia tree.
Gimp fuzzy select tool works for me, I copy the branch onto a blank background, erase
the non-branch parts, fuzzy select the branch with tolerance 255, invert selection, erase the transparent checkerboard part. It will have white fringe in Unity but you can tweak the shader
to get rid of it.