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Monday, July 9, 2018 - 09:49

and yeah, there it is:

Unfortunately, I don't have the latest flash so I can't try it. 

Well battling in breakout is still a good idea, can't wait to see how it turns out.

Monday, July 9, 2018 - 09:48

Yulpers is coming along well.   Getting the centipede/rope physics for the body was quite a bit harder than I expected, but I'm very happy with the results so that's what counts!   Would post a screen shot but it's really got to be seen in motion to make any sense.

@Spring: an RPG where the battles are done in Arkanoid is a great idea!  Better, yet since they are battles, make it pong.   Pong-Quest!   I'm going to google that, can't be we are the first ones to come up with that mash up.  :)

Thursday, July 5, 2018 - 19:26

@Spring: /all/ the LPC tiles?   Are you sure?  That's a lot of tiles!  :)

Monday, July 2, 2018 - 08:56

@aaronw:  Just to be clear, it's not required that /all/ the assets you use for your game be from OGA.

The requirement is to use at least 6 different assets (of any type, sound, font, 3d model, etc) from OGA.

Other than that, you're free to use whatever you want.   If you create anything new for the game, you are encouraged but not at all required to contribute it to OGA.

I love the name 'AAAAH LAMAs'!  :)

@Spring: quick thought, if each level if you rescuing another of Doggo's family and friends, why not put a sprite for the family/friend in the level?  Like they are behind or boxed in by the blocks, so you are very literally setting them free.    Just a thought, might help tie the gameplay to the story.

Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 18:36

@Spring:  yeah definitely had been playing that one around the time I came up with the pitch for Medusa Must Die!

but alas, Medusa Must Die! will have to wait (see the Game Jam for the reasons why).

Instead, I'll be working on:


You play as a little centipede creature who yulps up everything in it's path.

The more you eat, the longer you get!

Going to be kind of platformer meets snake type affair.

Plan to mostly use GrafixKid's various cuties and tiles.  The Yulpers you see in the logo is a modified version of the pink guy from here:

As always, will submit all the custom art for the game back to OGA once it's done.

Anyways, I had a few other ideas, but my kids voted for this one, so here we go!

Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 17:34

@DezrasDragons: That's a good one!   But let's just keep any left hand prejudice out of it ;)

Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 11:20

@Spring:  I would say if the assets are such that it makes sense to split them up into separate submissions, then go ahead and do it that way.  But don't split them up soley for the goal of padding out your 'assets used' numbers ;)

Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 08:49

@Spring:  I love it!   'Bedtime Breakout!'

I knew you'd find some inspiration on OGA.  :)


@chasersgaming:  I think the new rule about pre-written code sounds good.   Honestly, unless you want to start getting hyper persrciptive about what tools people can use, I think this is the only approach that makes sense.   I suppose this is going to sound cranky-old-man, but really, the idea that anything done with Unity or GameMaker was 'made from scratch' is preposterous. 

Actually, what I was planning for the procedural world generation code would have fallen right within this rule.  I have some code that would be useful for the game, but I wasn't going to start putting all the pieces together until the Jam started. The code wasn't written specifically for the game, so it's not like I was trying start coding for the game beforehand. 

The prototype by constrast is more problematic as that literally was coding the game before the competition even if it didn't amount to much more than some basic platformering code.

@VinnNo.0: 9 jams!  you've been busy!   As far as code orginization goes, I definitely know the feeling when it comes to looking back at old projects.   Fortunately, over the years I've learned to write pretty atomized code, although that's actually what's causing the issue here.  I have a bunch of well generic code that would be great to reuse for the game.  If it was more customized or tweaked out for my existing projects then it wouldn't be worth the trouble of re-using.

@all:  Don't worry, Medusa Must Die! will live someday, just not for this Jam.  At the end of the day, I think this is one of those things where just asking the question revealed the answer. 'So I got this game idea I've been developing for years, it'll use a bunch of code I already wrote, plus I made a prototype already, that'll be cool for this 4 week game jam, right?'   Yeah, maybe not.

But it's no problem, I already have a bunch of other ideas for the Jam.  Still narrowing the list down this morning, I'll post to the Hype thread when I decide on one.


Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 17:36

@chasersgaming:  Oh not disgruntled, sorry if I came off that way.   I'd say I'm opinionated on the subject but not upset about it.   A little bummed to be putting my Medusa Must Die! concept back on the shelf but I've actually already come up with several other ideas to go with instead.   Going to sleep on it and pick one in the morning.   And yes, the link did help me, sorry it didn't work for you Spring.  :(

Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 15:00



click until you find something that inspires you.


@chasersgaming:   Well, I had a pretty big reply for you, including results of some looking I did to see how other Game Jams handle this question, but it all got lost when the submit ('Save') failed and the whole of my comment disappeared into the ether.  So you'll have to get the brief version.

I looked at Lundum Dare, Global Game Jam, Weekly Game Jam and Once A Month Game Jam, and they're all pretty open about what they allow.  Lundum Dare is quite explicit about allowing you to start with any 'base code' you want.  The others are similar.  The general attitude seems to be bring what tools you want to the table, the challenge is creating something new.  OGAM sums it up nicely with the line: 'Starting a game is easy. Finishing a game is hard.'

There's so much that goes into making a game, it really does seem pointless to ask folks to do everything 'from scratch' for a jam.  All you're going to see then is how quickly people can type.  TBH, the challenge of making a game goes so far beyond writing code, if you focus on that element, you won't even be getting to what are the interesting questions (eg. gameplay, story, level design, etc, ie. making it fun!).

All that said, I think I'll start fish around for another idea to use for the Game Jam.

I am pretty jazzed to make Medusa Must Die! and figured the Jam would be a good excuse to finally do it, but given the prototype work, the code I'd like to re-use, not to mention the years spent day dreaming about the game design for it, I'd have a really hard time saying the game was something new made solely within the timeframe of the Game Jame.

@Spring:  Looks like I'll be taking my own adivce here (clicks on
