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Saturday, September 26, 2015 - 19:53

What worries me isn't that stuff like this happens.  I was a SysAdmin in another life, so I know full well that 'stuff' happens.  

What concerns me is how long it seems to take these things to even get noticed.  The lack of official comment from any admin is also distressing.  Even a 'we're aware of the problem' message would have been nice.  

Combined with the fact that search is broken and has been for months, with zero indication of what the problem is, whose working on it and when it might be fixed, it's just hard not to get the feeling that the Admins have left the building.  :(

 I say this not with anger but with sadness.  I have nothing but love and respect for Bart and everyone else involved with OGA, and I totally understand if they are involved with other things now, but maybe it's time they asked for some help.  I'm sure there are others in the community who would be glad to help carry the torch for a while. 

Friday, September 25, 2015 - 20:34

Was getting this error for the past two days, seems to be working for me now though.

Monday, September 21, 2015 - 08:12


This is AWESOME!  Thanks to you and the Abram Connelly for sharing!


Is that any special palette in particular?  Got kind of a CGA/EGA vibe to it.

Friday, September 18, 2015 - 12:02


@crazymanofnwn:  If the artist lists multiple licenses then you may choose the one under which you elect to use the work.

For CC-BY-SA, you would only be obliged to share any derivatives of the asset you make, not your whole project.  

Friday, September 18, 2015 - 07:10


Great stuff!   Thanks for sharing!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 20:04


oh, something else, if you're new to OGA, be aware the main search engine is borked and won't display anything submitted after July 2014.   Fortunately, the new and experimental search engine doesn't have this problem, so that's the one you want to use:


Here's hoping someone fixes the main one sometime soon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 16:33


> I guess having an AI switch to stick with a target as long as possible or

> switch targets frequently would make me happy. :)


I see how that would be 'smarter' AI but at the same time 'Just attack the closest enemy' has a certain simplicity to it that helps make things more predictable.  Well, that's just my 2 cents. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 11:47



Two quick thoughts:

Be cool to have the enemies leave corpses around when they die.  

Maybe grey out the units that your can't afford.  Can be annoying to click one, place it and then realize that you don't have the cash for it.



Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 11:12


@Redshrike:  I've mainly wanted it when working with fonts.



Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 10:38



So the Gimp technique I've seen suggested for 'outline' is to make a selection and then use 'Stroke Selection'.

If you use the pencil tool you can get a 1 pixel outline.  The problem is that this traces the selection rather than truly 'outlining' it the way you'd think of (or at least as a former DPaint user, I'd think of).  So what you get is line that covers part of the image you're trying to outline.  Hard to explain, but if you just picture a selection along a straight horizontal line.  The selection line exists /in between/ the pixels.  So when the time comes to do the stroke, it's an open question wether the single pixel pencil should draw it's pixel above the line or below the line.   From what I can tell, GIMP will go below and to the right of the selection line.  So along the top and left the outline actually draws over top of the selection.  This is totally fine when using fancier brushes at high res, but with the one pixel pencil on a 16x16 pixel sprite it's a disaster :(

The other method I've seen suggested is to make a selection, then 'grow' it by 1 pixel, then fill in along the edges.  This works but is kind of tedious and always makes 'thick' outlines, where sometimes you want thin ones.

Well maybe there are some better techniques but those are the two I've found googling it and they don't work that well :(



The other popular pixel art editor I can think of is Grafx 2:

The idea of it is to be modern version of the old Deluxe Paint program on Amiga.

I grew up using DPaint IV so I find this a noble endevour indeed, and it is fantastic tool.  

Unfortunately, for me now that I've got all Gimp's keyboard short cuts, I find it too much to try and learn new ones.  Must be getting old and set in my ways I guess ;)

There are also a lot of great pixel art centric plugins for grafx2, not the least of which are Dawnbringer's palette analysis tools:

So it's a good tool to have in your box even if you don't use it as your main saw. :)


re: Star Trek, I wasn't there for the launch of TOS (that must have been AWESOME!) but I was around when TNG started up.  Those were they days, when once a week you could be transported across the galaxy for another fun adventure!   Guessing the answer is yes, but have you ever played the NES Star Trek TOS game?   Definitely my all time favorite!  And that pixel art bridge, amazing!  Mind blowing how the NES palette was just such a perfect match for the TOS color scheme!  Oh and the Led Zeppelin themed puzzle is pretty rocking too!





