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Tuesday, October 13, 2015 - 16:50

@BlueStone:  The license is CC-BY 3.0.  Generally, on OGA the available licenses for a work are listed on the left hand side of the page, in the 'Author:..Tags..' box.

You can read full text of the CC-BY 3.0 license by clicking on the icon for it (again above in the upper lefthand corner of this page).  The short summary is you can use the work however you like, but must credit the original author and may not impose any 'technical measures' which further restrict the distribution of the work (eg. DRM).

Sorry for the late reply and hope that helps!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 - 08:51


Welcome back Bart!    Hope all is well!  


I second Every's comment about taking your time fixing search, but you might put some sort of notice up about it on the front page, just so folks are aware of the problem and know someone is working on a fix.


Thanks again for all your hard work on the site, hope you know how much we appreciate it! :)

Thursday, October 1, 2015 - 17:38


for the record, I made the same mistake a while back.

deviant art really seems to bury the license info :(

Thursday, October 1, 2015 - 11:15


I think the license is CC-SA-3.0.

It's listed on the right hand side if you scroll down far (very far!) on the deviant art page.



Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - 17:04


wow!  This is awesome!  You took an awesome set and made it even more awesomer!  AWESOME!


Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - 13:54

@Redshrike: Ok, yeah that's what I thought, was just confirming that I understood you correctly.


@Evert: I agree on both points, the new search works great despite the 'pre-alpha' tag, and the old search has always seemed kind of quirky to me too, although knowing now that it doesn't return results past July 2014 does help explain at least some of the 'funny' behavior I've seen.

I also agree 100% about replacing the broken search with the alpha one.  Whatever's wrong with the alpha, from what I've seen, it's no where near as broken as 'doesn't return anything past July 2014'

Even if the search box itself can't be switched out easily, it'd be great to at least see a sticky post on the main page explaining the problem and directing people to the new search.


@all:  About things moving forward, am I right to say the work for maintaining the site falls into four categories:

1) Server Maintainence

2) Web/Database Development

3) Art Curation

4) Site Development/Community Relations (front page posts, site plicy and documentation, etc.)


It seems like we have mods/admins around other than Bart who are already taking care of #3.

It sounds like Botanic is doing duty on #1 but could use help with it.

Am I missing something?  Is Bart the only one for #2 and #4? 



Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - 10:12


Botanic fixed the server problem or the search problem?

Search still seems broken to me.

But I am certainly grateful for Botanic's work to fix the disk space issue.

Monday, September 28, 2015 - 20:21


Regarding search (and I guess I should really post this in the thread about that), could someone post a note about it on the front page?  or is that a Bart-only thing?  I just think it would be nice to at least have something acknowleding the problem and maybe directing people to try the experimental search engine up on the main page.   I mean, it is just such a shame, there is so much wonderful art coming into the site right now, and it's all basically disappearing after it falls off the 'recent submission' list.  It's a real bummer for people searching the site and an absolute diservice to all the kind folks generously contributing their works here.  

Ok, I have to stop thinking about it, it just makes me so sad. :(

Monday, September 28, 2015 - 20:14


these rock!  thanks for sharing!

Monday, September 28, 2015 - 20:05


just wanted to say I love the 'busting out of the frame' look these have!

great way to add some power and excitement to the inventory UI!
