"Can anyone give me a bottom line rule of thumb what course I should take if I'm wanting to stay within clear legal and ethical boundaries for a closed source commercial game? I'm guessing Public Domain is ok. How about CC-BY. How about GPL? What if someone adds "Public Domain" along with some other license?"
I think I can give some answers:
- Closed Source project + GPL assets = usually no go (LGPL allows use in closed source)
- Public Domain is free in any case. You can always use that.
- If work is published under multiple licenses, you can choose the license that fits your needs best. You only have to meet one license' requirements, not all.
- "Commercial" ist not a problem with GPL, "closed" is.
Thanks, I'll try to make up a new name. I'm also not very happy about "Eternel". While it sounded good in my mothers tongue I noticed the close resemblance to "eternal" in English too late.
Qwak. Not doing such a mass addition of items like the gems anytime soon again. So much text and numbers to enter. And I haven't even coded the effects yet, just have the gems as items in the game now.
I've now supplied a build.xml file to build the project with apache Ant. It's been done in a hurry, but it worked for me. I hope it will work for you too.
These steps should compile the project:
1) Check out the svn trunk -> you should get a "src" and "lib" folder, as well as an "build.xml" file (this is new)
2) You need apache Ant to interpret the build.xml file - install it, if you don't have apache Ant yet ( http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi ) Ant is a tool for Java a bit similar to make for C/C++
Well, "Windows", "Doors" and "Explorer" are all trademarked. I wouldn't be surprised if a company tries the same with candy. But I agree, such words should not be tardemarked at all, they are no names.
Very nice! Much better than my own well.
"Can anyone give me a bottom line rule of thumb what course I should take if I'm wanting to stay within clear legal and ethical boundaries for a closed source commercial game? I'm guessing Public Domain is ok. How about CC-BY. How about GPL? What if someone adds "Public Domain" along with some other license?"
I think I can give some answers:
- Closed Source project + GPL assets = usually no go (LGPL allows use in closed source)
- Public Domain is free in any case. You can always use that.
- If work is published under multiple licenses, you can choose the license that fits your needs best. You only have to meet one license' requirements, not all.
- "Commercial" ist not a problem with GPL, "closed" is.
But I'm not a lawyer, this is just my opnion.
Thanks, I'll try to make up a new name. I'm also not very happy about "Eternel". While it sounded good in my mothers tongue I noticed the close resemblance to "eternal" in English too late.
Qwak. Not doing such a mass addition of items like the gems anytime soon again. So much text and numbers to enter. And I haven't even coded the effects yet, just have the gems as items in the game now.
I wonder if belts should get a socket, too. Maybe the large belts should, in real such beöts often had impressive buckles.
Hi Shirish,
I've now supplied a build.xml file to build the project with apache Ant. It's been done in a hurry, but it worked for me. I hope it will work for you too.
These steps should compile the project:
1) Check out the svn trunk -> you should get a "src" and "lib" folder, as well as an "build.xml" file (this is new)
2) You need apache Ant to interpret the build.xml file - install it, if you don't have apache Ant yet ( http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi ) Ant is a tool for Java a bit similar to make for C/C++
3) Get the latest LWJGL distribution ( http://lwjgl.org/ )
4) From the LWJGL distribution, copy the "lwjgl.jar" and "lwjgl_util.jar" into the "lib" folder which was created in step 1.
5) Open a new command window.
6) Change into the directory where the "src" and "lib" folders from step 1 reside
7) Invoke ant ( e.g. <path to your ant installation>/bin/ant )
8) Ant should create a new JewelHunt.jar for you
9) Get the latest Jewelhunt distribution ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/jewelhunt/files/r012/ )
10) Unpack it, and replace the JewelHunt.jar with your self-compiled JewelHunt.jar
11) Done :)
The story of the gems.
Indeed, thanks a lot :)
I've started to set up a matrix and assign effects and stats to the gems. It's almost complete, and for sure good enough to start with.
Thanks again for the names!
Well, "Windows", "Doors" and "Explorer" are all trademarked. I wouldn't be surprised if a company tries the same with candy. But I agree, such words should not be tardemarked at all, they are no names.
@Bart: Thanks, I think I'll use that!
Maybe the forwards don't work anymore. I've ben getting some spam through that, so I won't be too unhappy about it.
This should work in any case hansjoerg.malthaner@gmx.de
I might be back to the project soon, I've been busy with other things in the past weeks.
You can reach me through the sourceforge mail fowarder h_malthaner@sourceforge.net
I'm reading mails rather infrequently though. On weekdays this forum is a better way to reach me.