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Monday, April 28, 2014 - 10:35

Very nice! Much better than my own well.

Friday, April 25, 2014 - 09:46

"Can anyone give me a bottom line rule of thumb what course I should take if I'm wanting to stay within clear legal and ethical boundaries for a closed source commercial game? I'm guessing Public Domain is ok. How about CC-BY. How about GPL? What if someone adds "Public Domain" along with some other license?"


I think I can give some answers:


- Closed Source project + GPL assets = usually no go (LGPL allows use in closed source)

- Public Domain is free in any case. You can always use that.

- If work is published under multiple licenses, you can choose the license that fits your needs best. You only have to meet one license' requirements, not all.

- "Commercial" ist not a problem with GPL, "closed" is.


But I'm not a lawyer, this is just my opnion.

Friday, April 25, 2014 - 04:44

Thanks, I'll try to make up a new name. I'm also not very happy about "Eternel". While it sounded good in my mothers tongue I noticed the close resemblance to "eternal" in English too late.

Thursday, April 24, 2014 - 17:31

Qwak. Not doing such a mass addition of items like the gems anytime soon again. So much text and numbers to enter. And I haven't even coded the effects yet, just have the gems as items in the game now.

Color         Name            Weapon     Armor      Helm/Shield  Ring/Amulet

Red           Blood Stone    +Fire        +Str        -Fire           +Str
Purple        Eternel          +Cold        +Wis       -Cold          +Wis
Cyan         Clairvorite      +Elec        +Int        -Elec           +Int
Green        Dragonshine   +Acid        -Acid      -Acid           -Acid
Chartreuse Inortyst         +Hitting     +Dex       +Blocking     +Dex
Orange      Wrathonite     +Damage   +Defense  +Defense    +Faster cast
White        Heaven's Tear +Mana Leech                            +Mana Leech
Dark          Hell Shard      +Life Leech                               +Life Leech


I wonder if belts should get a socket, too. Maybe the large belts should, in real such beöts often had impressive buckles.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - 18:01

Hi Shirish,

I've now supplied a build.xml file to build the project with apache Ant. It's been done in a hurry, but it worked for me. I hope it will work for you too.

These steps should compile the project:

1) Check out the svn trunk -> you should get a "src" and "lib" folder, as well as an "build.xml" file (this is new)

2) You need apache Ant to interpret the build.xml file - install it, if you don't have apache Ant yet ( ) Ant is a tool for Java a bit similar to make for C/C++

3) Get the latest LWJGL distribution ( )

4) From the LWJGL distribution, copy the "lwjgl.jar" and "lwjgl_util.jar" into the "lib" folder which was created in step 1.

5) Open a new command window.

6) Change into the directory where the "src" and "lib" folders from step 1 reside

7) Invoke ant ( e.g. <path to your ant installation>/bin/ant )

8) Ant should create a new JewelHunt.jar for you

9) Get the latest Jewelhunt distribution ( )

10) Unpack it, and replace the JewelHunt.jar with your self-compiled JewelHunt.jar

11) Done :)


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - 08:24

The story of the gems.


  1. I've always been a fan of the Diablo II item modifcation system with gems, jewels and runes.
  2. 5 Minutes: I want that too in my project! Let's add gems. Yeah, that'll be great!
  3. 5 hours later: Gems done. WTF is it so hard to make good gem images?
  4. 6 hours later: Imported 54 gem images. Urgh.
  5. ... future: Configure 54 gem graphics. I don't want to!
  6. ... far future: Write 54 item gem item entries. Argghhhh, the bore!!!




Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - 05:27

Indeed, thanks a lot :)


I've started to set up a matrix and assign effects and stats to the gems. It's almost complete, and for sure good enough to start with.


Thanks again for the names!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - 16:15

Well, "Windows", "Doors" and "Explorer" are all trademarked. I wouldn't be surprised if a company tries the same with candy. But I agree, such words should not be tardemarked at all, they are no names.

@Bart: Thanks, I think I'll use that!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - 05:29

Maybe the forwards don't work anymore. I've ben getting some spam through that, so I won't be too unhappy about it.

This should work in any case

I might be back to the project soon, I've been busy with other things in the past weeks.

Monday, April 14, 2014 - 05:32

You can reach me through the sourceforge mail fowarder

I'm reading mails rather infrequently though. On weekdays this forum is a better way to reach me.

