Probably because they're both white on transparent. I can upload a version with a black background if you'd like or I could make a few preview images so you don't have to download anything. What would you prefer?
I wish there was some sort of indication of what hour this challenge ends, because I just got a model to work from today. Eh, who am I kidding, there's no way I'd be done in time.
This challenge lasts an entire month, there's time to catch up. I'm really excited about this one, I just have some characters and badguys to make and I'll have an entry too!
Maybe it would be helpful for us to say what kind of rewards we'd be willing to put money towards instead of just putting out reward ideas. I think Mr. Beast's idea of a new collection made just for the kickstarter that is made available to all a year later is a very good one, especially with the higher levels having the ability to suggest what should be included. This could be done for other things too like music or sound effects. I think a few previews of those sets would be very useful in gaining attention on the kickstarter page.
Here are some things I'd be interested in as an investor:
A way to donate or show support that doesn't involve money.
A Medal
Something next to my name in the forums to show off how generous I am.
A wallpaper download featuring Sara being epic in a non-genre specific game world as long as the artist was really good.
Advertising for my game/portfolio
One on One time with Bart or perhaps one of the other highly active members of OGA to brainstorm, critique or review my game/artwork.
Early access to a high quality music collection. (this one would only work for me if it was a $30 or less donation level)
Game in a Box art packs where all the art, music, sfx ect are put into one pack for easy download and use. These packs would include brand new material that won't be available on OGA for a while. (Obviously a high tier donation)
I choose a content creator from a list of willing artists/musicians to make me an exclusive asset for my game. (also high tier)
For a ridiculously high donation amount I'll have the people at OGA make me my very own small game from start to finish which I can then edit and redistribute however I want.
This is all I can think of at the moment. I'm not even slightly interested in swag, which makes it hard.
Bart: Remember that you can put multiple rewards at the same donation level. I think that would be very useful for something like this where the donators have such a wide range of interests. I did think the "uncompressed digital download" was a bit odd, I'll admit I don't see why someone would want that if the ogg's sound the same. The CD could be cool though.
I'd like a PM system, there are a lot of people that know me from here that have expressed difficulty in trying to reach me. I'd also like to have the ability to set up the page you get when you click on my name so that I can show off my favorite submitted art, like a portfolio and have some sort of information if I want to take comissions. I think things like that would help sell the site to a higher level artist.
I'm willing to donate my time and talents to do kickstarter rewards, BTW.
Edit: I'd be willing to make LPC tile assets for a higher tier reward.
Probably because they're both white on transparent. I can upload a version with a black background if you'd like or I could make a few preview images so you don't have to download anything. What would you prefer?
What contest do you mean? If you mean the 8-bit challenge it was qubodup, if you mean LPC it was daneeklu.
Oh, Pixispider won that one. I agree, more publicity of winners would be great.
If it helps, here's a clear and thorough explanation of what the graphic limitations of the NES are.
I like what you added to the texture! If you don't mind I'd like to do a little more tweaking later, after the challenge is done with voting.
I wish there was some sort of indication of what hour this challenge ends, because I just got a model to work from today. Eh, who am I kidding, there's no way I'd be done in time.
This challenge lasts an entire month, there's time to catch up. I'm really excited about this one, I just have some characters and badguys to make and I'll have an entry too!
I've never skinned anything before, I'd like to give this a try. Anyone else need a pixel artist?
Maybe it would be helpful for us to say what kind of rewards we'd be willing to put money towards instead of just putting out reward ideas. I think Mr. Beast's idea of a new collection made just for the kickstarter that is made available to all a year later is a very good one, especially with the higher levels having the ability to suggest what should be included. This could be done for other things too like music or sound effects. I think a few previews of those sets would be very useful in gaining attention on the kickstarter page.
Here are some things I'd be interested in as an investor:
A way to donate or show support that doesn't involve money.
A Medal
Something next to my name in the forums to show off how generous I am.
A wallpaper download featuring Sara being epic in a non-genre specific game world as long as the artist was really good.
Advertising for my game/portfolio
One on One time with Bart or perhaps one of the other highly active members of OGA to brainstorm, critique or review my game/artwork.
Early access to a high quality music collection. (this one would only work for me if it was a $30 or less donation level)
Game in a Box art packs where all the art, music, sfx ect are put into one pack for easy download and use. These packs would include brand new material that won't be available on OGA for a while. (Obviously a high tier donation)
I choose a content creator from a list of willing artists/musicians to make me an exclusive asset for my game. (also high tier)
For a ridiculously high donation amount I'll have the people at OGA make me my very own small game from start to finish which I can then edit and redistribute however I want.
This is all I can think of at the moment. I'm not even slightly interested in swag, which makes it hard.
Bart: Remember that you can put multiple rewards at the same donation level. I think that would be very useful for something like this where the donators have such a wide range of interests. I did think the "uncompressed digital download" was a bit odd, I'll admit I don't see why someone would want that if the ogg's sound the same. The CD could be cool though.
I'd like a PM system, there are a lot of people that know me from here that have expressed difficulty in trying to reach me. I'd also like to have the ability to set up the page you get when you click on my name so that I can show off my favorite submitted art, like a portfolio and have some sort of information if I want to take comissions. I think things like that would help sell the site to a higher level artist.
I'm willing to donate my time and talents to do kickstarter rewards, BTW.
Edit: I'd be willing to make LPC tile assets for a higher tier reward.