In the menu on the right of the blog is an item that says «Idioma / Language» can translate to the web with traducctor Google. In fact I do not know English and use the Google translator.
Hey wanted to let you know that I have created a discussion forum GoogleGroup project. He loved to invite to participate by contributing ideas, criticism, advice and opinions, not necessary. It is not necessary to belong to the project to participate in the forum. The forum link is http://groups.google.com/group/game-barbaros
no, not animated, sorry
Is rigged
This model came Pompei2's comment, who is right, where he said he needed more trees foliage patterns that I'm doing.

In the menu on the right of the blog is an item that says «Idioma / Language» can translate to the web with traducctor Google. In fact I do not know English and use the Google translator.
Hey wanted to let you know that I have created a discussion forum GoogleGroup project. He loved to invite to participate by contributing ideas, criticism, advice and opinions, not necessary. It is not necessary to belong to the project to participate in the forum.
The forum link is http://groups.google.com/group/game-barbaros
The message is I forget to enter the login :S