It's getting kinda frustrating how you are constantly dragging things out, if you don't like what I am doing anyway, we can just end it, you don't need to pay me more than you have.
Attempt at the scientist's walking animation. You noted that you would rather want a single animation as a sample first, rather than all of them at once, right? ^^
Normal death
Slashing and puking
I can't really see how that eye is so much better, but to each his own.
Pretty fun game, but the controls are very difficult to figure out imo.
The thing is, making his eyes too noticeable will make him seem very cartoony, and I thought you didn't want that?
It's getting kinda frustrating how you are constantly dragging things out, if you don't like what I am doing anyway, we can just end it, you don't need to pay me more than you have.
Here you go, he does look a bit cartoony with these eyes though.
Attempt where he looks more like a normal human, but with a single mutated arm.
I was using this picutre as a reference
But I can make a more normal human version also ^^
Attempt at the scientist's walking animation. You noted that you would rather want a single animation as a sample first, rather than all of them at once, right? ^^