I like the idea with the sea people though, but pulling off an RTS in that amount of time is... a challenge
20 day time limit is pretty strict compared to the usual one month I feel,,, especially as these are some difficult ideas to pull off too...
Only 2 entries o.o
Does your game only work with an xbox controller and nothing else?
I just gave up. xD
@chasersgaming but there's not a minute to waste x'3
I need a break, I'm not enjoying game development very much anymore, except for the story x3
Time to rip off MML's map screen too....
yeah you kinda did, well, the winter is quite exhausting, I hope you will be ok :3
you sound awfully moody... ;w;
I like the idea with the sea people though, but pulling off an RTS in that amount of time is... a challenge
20 day time limit is pretty strict compared to the usual one month I feel,,, especially as these are some difficult ideas to pull off too...
Only 2 entries o.o
Does your game only work with an xbox controller and nothing else?
I just gave up. xD
@chasersgaming but there's not a minute to waste x'3
I need a break, I'm not enjoying game development very much anymore, except for the story x3
Time to rip off MML's map screen too....
yeah you kinda did, well, the winter is quite exhausting, I hope you will be ok :3
you sound awfully moody... ;w;