It has to do with the thing that extracting code from a compiled executeable is a huge hassle, and hardly worth it. Where else should they be able to extract it from? Unless you also provide all of the resources your game uses along with it...
I never considered a multiple monitor setup, because I don't have that myself XD But that is a very good reason to add windowed mode, I might work on that. I'm glad you like the graphics, I guess it is kind of a breath of fresh air to see something different than pixel art for one, though I don't really know. Even though my cartoon sketching tends to be kinda sloppy cx
I think I will try and make the next update a little larger and more fleshed out, to about the first boss (which I already have a plan for) or something like that. But I don't have a very good track record of completing game projects, of about 30-ish prototypes only 3 of my games have ever made it to a finished state. But we'll see ^^
Oh, and this is made in the new version of GameMaker. That engine gets bashed a lot I know, but I've been using it for many years and it fits very well to my purposes.
Been working hard on a new version for the whole day.
It's largely an experimental mess.
New art style
You can now hold down the right mouse button to stop in midair
Instead of collecting food you are now assembling pieces of a weapon which can be used to destroy the ghost knights. You left click to shoot and the weapon is aimed in the direction of the mouse cursor.
Music changed, it's still annoying tho
After defeating the two knights the game progresses into two more levels, none of which are even close to finished, and can neither be beaten (press right mouse button to go through doors)
You no longer gain points just for surviving
You have a limited amount of lives instead of just one
Ah, thanks! This game actually probably belongs more in the snes era XD
I actually had plans to add more levels and such also.
My new version doesn't have these options you mention yet but they will be worth adding, except maybe the full screen thing, I don't think there are very many people who actually play windowed anymore.
But I have to admit that I am not interested in the mobile market though.
Are RPG's really what you want to go with for your first game? Even if they are mechanically simple, they are a huge time investment.
@ImpossibleRealms, you were right all along.
I only use samples to compose chiptunes now xD
And my game ended up using the .it module format!
Very interesting. I might even buy it for the novelty factor cx
It has to do with the thing that extracting code from a compiled executeable is a huge hassle, and hardly worth it. Where else should they be able to extract it from? Unless you also provide all of the resources your game uses along with it...
Why would anyone want to steal code from an executeable?
What is the game you're trying to make about? And what engine are you using?
If you're using GameMaker, I have lots of experience there.
I've also been using GameMaker for about 11 years now, it's crazy XD
And I didn't mean to bash pixel art at all, except for my own xD
Thanks for your compliment! :3
I never considered a multiple monitor setup, because I don't have that myself XD But that is a very good reason to add windowed mode, I might work on that. I'm glad you like the graphics, I guess it is kind of a breath of fresh air to see something different than pixel art for one, though I don't really know. Even though my cartoon sketching tends to be kinda sloppy cx
I think I will try and make the next update a little larger and more fleshed out, to about the first boss (which I already have a plan for) or something like that. But I don't have a very good track record of completing game projects, of about 30-ish prototypes only 3 of my games have ever made it to a finished state. But we'll see ^^
Oh, and this is made in the new version of GameMaker. That engine gets bashed a lot I know, but I've been using it for many years and it fits very well to my purposes.
Been working hard on a new version for the whole day.
It's largely an experimental mess.
I'm already feeling this project is getting out of hand after just one week...
Ah, thanks! This game actually probably belongs more in the snes era XD
I actually had plans to add more levels and such also.
My new version doesn't have these options you mention yet but they will be worth adding, except maybe the full screen thing, I don't think there are very many people who actually play windowed anymore.
But I have to admit that I am not interested in the mobile market though.