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Friday, June 7, 2019 - 15:06

So to answer your comments :

1) Yes, the assets are in very different graphic styles and sizes, which complicates things.

Let's say they are models for new assets to produce.

2) No, I never thought about a peasant, but why not?

3) The era : any era of the egyptian history set before greek and roman rule.

I prefer not selecting a historical context too precise, because there would be the risk of historical inconsistencies.

I prefer letting it a little vague, with fictionnal characters, especially a fictionnal pharaoh, not a real one.

Thursday, June 6, 2019 - 18:16

So, as Spring asked me if I have a plot for the Egyptian RPG, and as I think I will never have the time to do this RPG, I have decided to give the plot here. Click the different links in the description below to see which art I would use for the characters.

Seth, the evil god, has helped an illegitimate pharaoh to take power.

The real pharaoh and his wife have been captured and are detained in the fake pharaoh's palace, somewhere in the desert.

Furthermore, the god of the dead Anubis is on Seth's side and created an army of mummies for him.

The hereoes of the game must : 

- fight Anubis, then convince him to drop Seth and stay loyal to the other gods

- destroy the fake pharaoh, free the royal family

- fight Seth, banish him

Here are the heroes : 

- the prince (son of the pharaoh) => a warrior, better at short-range fight

- the princess (daughter of the pharaoh) => good at fighting too, but more a magician

- the mercenary (the prince's love interest) => a thief and a mercenary, fights with a bow. Feels loyal to the real pharaoh despite being a thug, and joins the 2 other main characters. When she starts fighting on their side, she does not even know that they are the pharaoh's daughter and son.

During the adventure, the characters would get magical powers from the different egyptian gods : Ra, Horus, Thot, Bastet, Sobek... even Anubis, after he changes side.

That's it. Not a great plot, but this is the idea I had if I made an RPG in Ancient Egypt.

Sunday, June 2, 2019 - 17:57

C'm on, Spring, stop being so negative. 

Everybody loves your art, here ! Wether it is music, 2D art, games.

You are always too hard with yourself.

Sunday, June 2, 2019 - 17:06

I like your "dark" version of the banner, mold !

Saturday, May 25, 2019 - 14:18

OK. I will do the next year summer's logo, then.

Saturday, May 25, 2019 - 11:41

I will try to make something this week :-)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 15:49

Congratulations to looneybits (the winner), Spring (who made my favorite game of this jam), and to all the other participants.

Good job !


Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 17:25

It is sad, but I understand. Congratulations for all your games (in particular Adventure Doggo, which I discovered recently, it is a masterpiece), and your art.

Will you continue posting art here? or take a look at the OGA jams?

Monday, April 22, 2019 - 10:44

Hello Spring. Well, for now I am quite busy with several personnal programming projects, not game-related. After that, I will have to learn using a game engine / game maker, in order to make better games. So, unfortunatelly, I will not create something in this jam, neither in the summer jam.
However, like all OGA jams, I will test and rate games.

The jam is not a failure as long as at least one good game is done... which is the case :-)
And as others said, there is still one week.
For the fall jam, I posted Phoenix Hunt 1 day and a half before the end, for the first OGA jam, MedicineStorm posted a submission 8 minutes before the end...
Things can still happen.
And, I repeat, if they don't, there is still one good game which posted by you.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 - 17:50

Hello everybody.

As a new jam is coming, I am just reminding about 2 topics in related to this :

- In this topic, you can give ideas to developpers, or, if you are a developper participating to the game jam, but you do not have ideas for your game, you can take one from here

- If you made a game, you can, after finishing it, participate to my "arcade art challenge" and draw an arcade machine of your game. Arcade machines representing games from previous jams are also accepted, of course.

Have fun. I do not know if I will be ready for this jam or the next one, but I will be on the fall game jam for sure. I will put a "Phoenix Hunt" easter egg in my next game ;-)
