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Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - 14:52

Actually, I'd also be in favor of making a hardcore stash per hardcore save slot that gets deleted when the character dies. That way, you can't just find a Ring of Invincibility or whatnot in the main game and transfer it over to your hardcore character.

The hardcore stash would work exactly the same as it currently does, it would just be limited to that save only.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 10:33

Looks like the download just returns a blank page... I seem to recall it working before, though. :/

Friday, March 22, 2013 - 10:45

Well put, Bart. It's sad that this article had to be written, but I'm glad you did.

Friday, March 8, 2013 - 10:23

Also note that in the lastest master, there's a new "stealth" power in mainline Flare that uses the transform power.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013 - 12:10

@Buch: I'm quite happy with the style here. Like I said above, I'd be happy to commission a nice extension to this set. Feel free to contact me through PM or email at your convenience.

This may sound silly, but I've obviously had this set on my mind lately... I had a dream about it last night. ;)

Monday, March 4, 2013 - 18:54

I added these in to the master branch and they look great!

Monday, March 4, 2013 - 10:40

@Wesleybruce: That's standard in the LPC spritesheet, AFAIK. If the walk animation was face-sensitive, it would make the standard swing action look wrong.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 12:23

Okay, I fixed the ships and AI to use somewhat saner keybindings :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 12:09

@Buch: Yeah, I wasn't quite sure what people wanted from the keybindings... I just made it so the left key fired the left engines. Really, it will be completely customizable as you build your ship in the future.

Right now if you change the bindings, the (quite stupid) AI will go crazy, but I'll fix that first. It's good to have a second opinion to show the usability issues I've missed.

The target tile size is quite small actually, I forgot to tell you, but the mouse scroll wheel will zoom in and out on the ship. Try putting your tiles in as replacements (maybe I'll make a branch for your tiles. As soon as they look great, I'll merge it into master) and see what they look like at various sizes. It's not even that they look bad small, it's that they lose quality when small AND rotated in-game.

I'm looking at your new tiles and really like them... it's making me want to figure out a way to have multiple sizes of blocks. I'm just afraid it will make things more complex than they need to be. I'll look into it; maybe it's not as hard as I think...

Also, any thoughts on stars, etc. in the background? I was considering procedurally generating those.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 00:10

So I tried out the tiles and they look pretty awesome when zoomed in. I think they suffered a bit when zoomed out. I wonder if there's a way to give them a bit more distinction from each other when small?

I especially like the engine blocks with the fins; that's what I originally wanted to do. I bet having more shaped blocks like those and the blasters would be exactly what I'm looking for.

The last thing I had in mind was to have (blinking?) lights on each of the special blocks to make them feel a bit more scifi.
