Building out Laurelia has taken me much longer than anticipated (it's still not done, but closer!)
Other than that, I think the only major thing left I had slated for this week was the power tree redesign. Any ideas on cool powers you'd like to see? (It's going to be a full redesign of the tree, so we need lots of ideas!)
I've noticed on Ubuntu that you MUST run "sudo make install" for it to work without crashing if you previously installed using the software center. (Though I don't know if the downloadable package works at all.)
cemkalyoncu, yes, I plan on doing all the UI widgets you'll need. I should have them done by the end of the week, but if not, keep nagging me - I probably just got distracted by the other stuff for the competition.
I'm not an official lpc admin, but I think I can answer all your questions.
The next step is to create a publicly accessible repository. I'd recommend GitHub for free project hosting.
You don't need to enter now, just submit at the end of the contest.
You don't need to register, but if you want to give progress updates, this forum would be a good place. We all LOVE project updates.
You'll need to submit it all in one go, I believe, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to have other people playtesting it in the meantime to make sure it works for everyone.
Yes. I'd recommend pushing code to a public repo as often as possible. (It's just a good practice.)
This may be a bit self-seving, (as I'm the one who did this piece of art) but maybe the facial expressions can be used like hair to add another layer of customization? They should be overlayable onto both base sprites' heads just like the hair is. Just a thought.
Makrohn, I took a look at building out character sprites. I figured out what the problem you were having is - this particular blitting function requires the sprite to have no transparency. So in GIMP you can remove the transparency from the layer and resave to get it to work. What a headache. :(
I did a ton of cleanup in the repo, moving stuff that we wanted to keep into its proper place and deleting a bunch of stuff that we don't need. I also removed many of the hero options from the character creations screen, since we won't be needing male characters and we're replacing that all anyway.
I spent the rest of the time looking through all the art we have. Unfortunately, there's not a lot in the way of female clothes - mostly that one female mage set. The base set also has a big dress, but no attack animation there, I'm afraid.
We have a great selection of NPCs, though.
I added all the music entries I could see possibly working to the repo.
Tomorrow I think I'll start working on images for Daphne. (Unless you get the robe done.) I'm pretty confident I know what we have to do to get it all working. I'll also take a look at the weapons we have. Hopefully they'll translate over to the female base as well.
Building out Laurelia has taken me much longer than anticipated (it's still not done, but closer!)
Other than that, I think the only major thing left I had slated for this week was the power tree redesign. Any ideas on cool powers you'd like to see? (It's going to be a full redesign of the tree, so we need lots of ideas!)
I've noticed on Ubuntu that you MUST run "sudo make install" for it to work without crashing if you previously installed using the software center. (Though I don't know if the downloadable package works at all.)
cemkalyoncu, yes, I plan on doing all the UI widgets you'll need. I should have them done by the end of the week, but if not, keep nagging me - I probably just got distracted by the other stuff for the competition.
I'm not an official lpc admin, but I think I can answer all your questions.
"I don't know whether it would be worth the work."
Yeah, I understand that! :) I'm cutting features like crazy just so I can get my game off the ground.
Heh, can't blame me for trying. ;)
Great work you guys. Keep it up!
This may be a bit self-seving, (as I'm the one who did this piece of art) but maybe the facial expressions can be used like hair to add another layer of customization? They should be overlayable onto both base sprites' heads just like the hair is. Just a thought.
Keep up the good work! It's looking awesome!
Makrohn, I took a look at building out character sprites. I figured out what the problem you were having is - this particular blitting function requires the sprite to have no transparency. So in GIMP you can remove the transparency from the layer and resave to get it to work. What a headache. :(
I've added a basic robe/hair combo to the repo.
I did a ton of cleanup in the repo, moving stuff that we wanted to keep into its proper place and deleting a bunch of stuff that we don't need. I also removed many of the hero options from the character creations screen, since we won't be needing male characters and we're replacing that all anyway.
I spent the rest of the time looking through all the art we have. Unfortunately, there's not a lot in the way of female clothes - mostly that one female mage set. The base set also has a big dress, but no attack animation there, I'm afraid.
We have a great selection of NPCs, though.
I added all the music entries I could see possibly working to the repo.
Tomorrow I think I'll start working on images for Daphne. (Unless you get the robe done.) I'm pretty confident I know what we have to do to get it all working. I'll also take a look at the weapons we have. Hopefully they'll translate over to the female base as well.
Yep, I think that's easier.