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Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - 09:14

you can make something similar to a gameboy, something it is obviously inspired by the gameboy, but you cant make something that is derivative of a gameboy or use trademarks

inspiration = ok

derivative = not ok unless you have the rights to the works you are making a derivative of

Monday, July 3, 2023 - 16:40


@emcee flesher

thats really because it is only able to imitate the robot apocolypse stories that it knows, the bulk of which are old hat.

and if real human beings dont write new robot acocalypse stories that become part of the dataset these imitation engines use, then it will never be able to write anything but what it can write now.


i have gotten good results hiring human artists on fiverr.

Sunday, July 2, 2023 - 11:49

only issue i can see with the ai taking over artist's jobs in the long term is if someone makes an ai art algorithm that is actually creative.

what we have now is imitative, not creative. if humans stop creating new art, there will be nothing new added to the dataset, and generative ai art will have nothing new to imitate.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - 11:55

safe to use in your game? most likely yes.

safe to submit to OGA as an asset? it depends on how you created the image. i am not admin or the most knowledgeable about the legalities and definition of a derivative, so take what i say here as it is: my opinion.

derivative means it is derived from something else. did you trace the original spaceman head? did you resize the spaceman head and adjust the pixels to look good at low res? in other words, did you use the actual image of the original spaceman in the actual composition of the new spaceman. if yes, than it is a derivative work.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 18:19

they are probably just better than us :)


Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - 08:08

samesies on the pattern problem. although i dont think its necessarily a problem as such.

listen to popular music throughout modern history, and it's ALL repeating patterns.


take this:






first three lines are just repetition of a simplle minimelody, fourth line is a resolution of that melody ending with the same note that started the melody.

now take that same melody, mix it up a little, see if it sounds good (assuming first one sounded goood XD) and you have two patterns. repeat these two patterns to make a sort of meta-pattern X. now try to make a breakdown pattern -- a tempo change, or a another resolution pattern, call this Y.


you just wrote a pop song! here is your golden record, thanks for all the fish!

Sunday, June 25, 2023 - 06:44

good discussion prompt.


so i usually go through these steps:

1) what am i going for? A - do i want to make something in specific style or B -  do i just wanna riff around and see what sounds good.

if A then proceed, if B then just do whatever i want.

2) pick a mode that fits that style.

3) come up with a hook or signature riff

4) make the rest of the song around that hook, usually i write in a verse chorus verse chorus style cuz i come from a punk band background.


as far as instruments and synths i will play around with different stuff. i use midi so i can plug in diff instruments to see how they sound.

for the variety question -- i fail at this. my music is usually pretty steady repition of what i hope is catchy hook. this comes from the punk band background i think.

Friday, June 9, 2023 - 13:09

under current terms i believe the content made using firefly is allowed for non-commercial uses, when i fiddled with it it applied a no commercial use watermark to my images (see the attatchment above)


i do think it is really cool that companies are paying attention to the debate and trying to do this in a way that doesn't violate anyone's rights.

i think in the future we will see more open datasets

Monday, June 5, 2023 - 13:33

i did some perusing, and there is no transparency of the dataset that i can see. "adobe says" is the only think i can see.

from the FAQ 


The current Firefly generative AI model is trained on a dataset of Adobe Stock, along with openly licensed work and public domain content where copyright has expired.  


As Firefly evolves, Adobe is exploring ways for creators to be able to train the machine learning model with their own assets so they can generate content that matches their unique style, branding, and design language without the influence of other creators’ content. Adobe will continue to listen to and work with the creative community to address future developments to the Firefly training models.

With the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI), Adobe is setting the industry standard for responsible generative AI. With more than 900 members today, the CAI is leading the conversation around digital content attribution. The CAI offers free, publicly available open source tools and is working on a widely adopted technical standard in collaboration with leading technology organizations through the nonprofit Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA).


Firefly will automatically attach a tag in the embedded Content Credentials to make AI-generated art and content easily distinguishable from work created without generative AI.


however i cant find any "demonstration" of there claims. i mean they obviously own the rights to adobe stock images, but i guess we are just supposed to trust them that the rest of the dataset is public domain.


but since my first generation with it churned out this thing, it cant be all bad:

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - 09:27

thats very nifty

how much prodding and prompt tweaking did it take for you to get that poem? did it just spit it out as is?
