[Optional but appreciated] Post your binaries here
[Optional but appreciated] Post your binaries here
If you entered a game in LPC and you have compiled binaries, please link them here (along with the platform they were compiled on). Windows binaries are great too, if you happen to have them. :)
If you made an HTML5 entry and have it available on the web, link to it here.
P.S. Posting binaries will not affect your score, but it will help people play your game. :)
P.P.S I've you've made improvements since the end of the contest, please put a note with the binary (or preferably post both the contest official version and the improved version).
Here's my entry for Unsealed: Whispers of Wisdom, an ActionRPG:
This version is the exact same version shipped to the judges. Bugs and all.
Feedback *is* appreciated, as we're currently working on a 2.0 version. Send it over to unsealed -at- k3rnel.net
Here is a link to my HTML5 entry, Sorcerer's Garden.
As submitted for now. May make some improvements/fixes in the future.
Dungeon Tactics Windows Installer : http://dungeon-tactics.com/files/dungeon-tactics-installer.exe
Will make a Linux Installer today...
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Heres a compiled jar version of Zombie Lord.
I compiled it on a 32-bit linux system so i guess i only works on 32-bit.. (it needs native 64 bit libgdx libs if 64 bit i think).
Note: This version plays just like the version shipped to the judges(same ammount of incompleteness), however i fixed the compile instructions and the ant build file..
http://uniquevn.github.com/CraftyGame/ => here's the link to our team's game: Monk Story.
It take about 7-9 seconds to load so please be patience with the black screen.
Link for playing Volley Zombie
It's the same version that was submitted
The jar needs to be located in the same location where the resources are... it load relative paths of course...
the resources are:
Here is a link to a windows build for my entry, Villages, I can't find a way to get cmake to get an all-in-one download for linux (you need to have all 4 SDL packages installed to run), so I didn't bother to provide that. If you know a solution to my problem, please let me know!
EDIT: Now have windows and linux downloads!
Here's a link to my HTML5 entry, Ye Olde Village Shoppe:
If I do any more work on this 'game', the updated version (hopefully with some actual gameplay ;)
will be listed as a separate entry on that page.
bright flame tactics currently has incorrect casing in the file paths in the code and as such only works from windows or a fat formatted thumb drive on linux. I will be fixing the code and pushing to the repo, and will update this thread when it is fixed for linux. development will also continue in general.
Farm Taken Over
This is not really a completed game. I've put together a version for the contest, but there are some things I still need to do in order to be satisfied with it.
I want to add different colors invaders, with different speed, so it will make the player feel he is moving ahead in this never-winning game. I think it would be nice if the player had to put fire on his torch again at some point too (maybe some monsters could try to get into the house while he's lighting it up).
Here's the online version: http://italonascimento.com/projetos/liberated-pixel-cup/
It's optimized for Firefox. In Chrome it sometimes fails to load some images, but everything will be ok if you reload the page.
heres mine (Alchemist Game), but the entry i submitted already has the executables in it. So this is the exact same as the one i posted.
(you need java 1.7 to execute the .jar files)
Neverwell Moor. HTML5, on the web: http://parasyte.kodewerx.org/projects/lpcgame/
Lurking Patrol Comrades.
Fedora binaries for now. Ubuntu PPA still makes trouble:
Windows and Ubuntu builds will follow later.
See you in game!
Not really a binary since it is written in python but here is the most recent version of Solitude. Should be pretty solid.
Here is a .zip containing the .exe and licenses for Archer Man, this will only run on windows.
It does contain some code differences, such as not requiring bundler and such, but nothing the user has to do, as the .exe is simply standalone.
Big Island HTML5 version
When the contest started it had javascript errors, those have since been fixed.
The commit history for what I've changed: https://github.com/seveibar/liberated-pixel-cup/commits/gh-pages
The game : http://seveibar.github.com/liberated-pixel-cup/
Edit: I've updated with small game enhancements, all are documented in the commit history
Artificier's Quest: the Staff of Ivalder is a top-down action game set in a fantasy setting. You control the Artificer as the main character, who has set out on a quest to retrieve the staff of Ivalder. The main gameplay consists of outmaneuvering your enemies and evading their attacks while destroying them with your own spells. Inspiration has been taken from games such as Sacrifice, Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, Mage Craft and Merlin's Revenge.
I currently have binaries for Debian Stable 32-bit and 64-bit, and Windows 7 64-bit. I hope to have binaries for Ubuntu 12.04 in the near future. The binaries for Debian Stable 32-bit and 64-bit should also work for Ubuntu 12.04, assuming the same installation instructions are followed.
Binary for Windows 7
64-bit: http://www.sendspace.com/file/if4pdt
Binaries for Debian Stable (should work on Ubuntu 12.04)
32-bit: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vqzwhy
64-bit: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vs29sl
Installation instructions for Debian Stable (should work on Ubuntu 12.04)
[Open terminal]
su - ["sudo su" may work if "su -" doesn't work]
aptitude update
aptitude install libopenal1 libalure1 libdumb1
["cd" to the folder of the binary]
chmod a+x AQ_tSoI_v[version number]_32bit_Debian
./AQ_tSoI_v[version number]_32bit_Debian
Lurking Patrol Comrades:
Windows build: http://manasource.org/files/windows/mana-0.6-lpc2012-win32.exe
Arch Linux PKGBUILD (technically no binary): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=61388
Links for fedora (.rpm) and ubuntu (.deb) builds are still to come :) I'll edit this post if we have some that are confirmed to work.
Please make sure to select "Lurking Patrol Comrades" as server from the list. Have fun playing! (tipp: type /who to see online list and /join talk to join a global channel named talk (it's widely used) ingame)
Terramancers is available right here on the game's page, including a Windows binary (which is the only thing added since submitting to the LPC):
Our binaries can be downloaded from sourceforge page:
Please check it often as we might have updates. Also, if you like to create a new map or add new creatures, items, etc... checkout the code. It contains editor binaries as well. Be adviced, linux editor binaries might be out of date.
Here's mine: http://tiniglob.com/games/the-liberate-pixil-cup-quest.html
I made the following changes:
If anything else comes up, I might change it, but it's looking like the project is pretty complete! Feel free to tell me what you guys think about it!
My site: http://tiniglob.com
I have updated Bright Frame Tactics for linux compatibility (fixed file casing)
please see the repo at https://bitbucket.org/gr3yh47/bfcs for updated version
if you try this on linux and there are still errors please let me know.
A monster (blobs) survival game.
Pacing starts going faster and faster until you can't handle it anymore.
Fun and fast.
Runs on windows, linux, mac.
Binary: https://t.co/BTIXwrmr
Binaries from Ubuntu 11.10 (likely to work on 12.04 and Debian testing):
sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2 libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2 libsdl-gfx1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0 libffi6 libjson0 libgmp10
Let me know if you have any issues by adding a ticked on GitHub.
gr3yh47, did you develop Bright Frame Tactics on a Mac? I keep running into capitilization errors when trying to run it. Linux is case sensitive in general.
Malachite, I developed it on Windows. This issue has been brought to my attention, have you tried the updated version in my repo?
see below and let me know please, thanks
I have updated Bright Frame Tactics for linux compatibility (fixed file casing)
please see the repo at https://bitbucket.org/gr3yh47/bfcs for updated version
if you try this on linux and there are still errors please let me know.
It's not even close to fixed. You are missing all font files and there is mixed case all over the place. I spent about an hour trying to fix it up until I ran into problems with .tmx files and gave up.
unfortunately even though i changed the folders to lowercase locally, they were not changed in the Repo... I'm not sure how to fix this :<
but thanks for bringing this to my attention as it seems something went wrong. files are missing from my source directory as well (font and others)
I am going to recover from a backup and re-commit
Ok so it turns out git is case insensitive. I had to trick it but everything should be fixed now.
malachite, again thanks for testing and bringing to my attention. it should be fixed now.
please let me know if there are still problems
gr3yh47: git is only case-insensitive when the underlying file system is.
As a comment, I began writing reviews of the LPC Games. You can read the first 9 here:
More will be posted through out the next week.
I really need Linux binaries functional to speed up the game reviews though, It's the reason I started writing only html5 reviews, but will start reviewing the rest on Monday.
If you're going to review mine, be sure to download the fixed version. There isn't much to review tho. But oh well, someday it will be a complete game, think POTENTIAL :P
gr3yh47: It works with the newest code. Good job.
I wonder did anyone make a MMO with all of these resources... If not, maybe I should. :D
Source of tales(see manasource-lpc topic) is billed as an MMO RPG, though have yet to really check it out.
@thewirdn8, @gnudist:
Yes we did a MMORPG. Check out for how to install here: https://github.com/tales/sourceoftales/wiki/Installation-of-client
Then select the server "Lurking Patrol Comrades" (old name). The server is running with the lpc entry data and will not get updated until the judging ended to allow judging on this status.
Best regards,
I should probably note that for BitBrawl the binary I posted is jus a binary. You need to run it in the same folder as all the assets (which are in the tarball in my submission or my git repo), otherwise it will just crash when it cannot find the assets.
These are for ubuntu binaries...
// Tero Pulkkinen
@RainyMirror "If you're going to review mine, be sure to download the fixed version. There isn't much to review tho. But oh well, someday it will be a complete game, think POTENTIAL :P"
Oh, wow. Your game is so painfully slow, it hurts me physically and mentally. I think the intro before I got control of the cat took around 20 minutes to get past by, and once I had control of the cat, I switch one or two screens before losing all interest. It's really too painful to try to play U>_>.
I don't know on which environment you tried it, I know it runs slow on a virtual machine. I've tried it on windows systems, and it didn't require much hardware, only 300-400 mb of memory.
I have an optimized version now, but that one doesn't count.
Thanks for your consideration tho. :)
Uhm. I have a "normal" Laptop with 4GB of Ram and a Core 2 Duo @ 2.53Ghz. It's pretty old, but It gets the job done. This one was the only game that played out painfully slow though. Was there anything else to do besides walk around with the cat?
My game, Castle Defense, won 2nd place overall! Exciting! You can play the latest version online here: http://castle.bipsland.com
See the forum thread on Castle Defense for more details: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/castle-defense
Got my old 0.17 binaries (not the same as my entry) at http://cinnamonroll.blogsite.org/polymorphable