RPG Enemies: 11 Dragons
RPG Enemies: 11 Dragons
- Art used in Dusk Graphical MUD
- Base pixel art for 3D pixelish RPG
- Character - Static - Art Collection
- critters and creatures
- Fairytale platformer
- For RPG book under GPL (1w6)
- Generic Art Collection
- Generic Music Collection
- Heroes of a Lost World Sprites
- Orcish Adventure!
- Sideview pixel art RPG enemy sprites
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
This is something I've wanted to do for a while: a set of dragons for the ongoing rpg enemy set that's been building up. And it's finally done, after a half year of occasional prodding at it, and with the help of five of our finest contributors who were kind enough to help! Included are 9 10 11 dragons: 6 7 brand new, 2 3 remixes of previous content and the tiny green dragon from my 10 rpg enemy set who got it all started.
The ancient dragon is based on a PD dragon concept by Surt, which is available here: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/cc0-scraps and was pixelled by Redshrike.
The juevenile dragon is also based on Surt's concept, and was pixelled by Zabin.
The red scaly dragon is (lightly) edited by Redshrike from a work by Blarumyrran, available here: http://opengameart.org/content/dragons
The large green dragon is by Blarumyrran.
The red dragon with small wings is by MrBeast.
The blue, winged dragon by Sharm.
Note: we may be getting a contribution from Charles Gabriel as well, so stay tuned!
These are labelled in one of the files.
These enemies are a part of the ongoing rpg enemy project, available here: http://opengameart.org/content/sideview-pixel-art-rpg-enemy-sprites

Once again, good job Redshrike!
And the collaborators too of course!
Really impressive! :)
That dragon is amazing! New pet XD!
I really like Redshrike's dragon based on Surt's Ancient dragon. I was inspired by the idea and drew up Surt's Juvenile dragon :)
I used Redshrikes color pallette to try and get the teenage dragon to resemble his grandfather. So if you decide to add him in with his family credits would be Zabin, Surt, Redshrike.
Heck yeah! Thanks for your contribution, and welcome on board! I went ahead and added it (with a couple of tiny tweaks, because I am watching a movie and like to multitask--if you'd prefer just the original, I can replace it with that) Anyway, I really like it, and I'm also excited to have another person on board as well.
I like your tweaks on it. I noticed you moved the right hand up 1 pixel, thanks I'm not the best at doing arms yet (this is my second sprite, and I know you remember my first :)) Every pixel I see that you've changed is an improvement.
I'm really glad you like it. When I posted it I remembered something I forgot to do. The back wing didn't have any spikes, so I finished that and now the small dragon is finished. This one has your edits of course :)
Would have posted sooner but I've been stuck playing "Nier" all day :D
add this ^
Works best on dark background. I'm really happy with the head; a bit unhappy with claws & wings but too out of patience to improve them
And don't forget the update I made so mine doesn't look that out of place in terms of colors...
Alrighty, all the files are updated.
@MrBeast: i like the new color scheme, and I think it does match better.
@Zabin: If that's really your second sprite, you're off to a very good start. I'm looking forward to seeing your third =D.
@Blarumyrran: wow, I really like that! He has a very classic look, like medieval depictions of Saint George and the Dragon. Thanks for making him!
Omg the Blue Dragon by Sharm is flippin' AWEASOME !!
Aw, thanks!
I agree. And she was also the first collaborator to contribute a dragon made specifically for the set.
So. Now that it is evident I wasn't lying when I said all the cool kids were making dragons, any chance we'll get one from you (and/or some of your classic remixes)?
Fantastic set!
I did run into one glitch: In the download, the large green dragon is missing the white in his horns and claws -- the white pixels have been changed to transparent. (They're fine in the image Blarumyrran posted in a comment above, though, so it should be a simple matter of flipping the original and pasting it back in.)
I got kind of a wacky (I flatter myself) idea for a dragon game and have been using the blue dragon as a placeholder. I thought you might like to look at the prototype. I modified the sprite somewhat to suit the animation.
These are rad! Thanks!
Wow, those dragons by Redshrike and Surt and the lower by Zabin and Surt are awesome! Using those on my game project ^^ I remember to give credits on these guys if my "game" ever is completed :D
I made this out of one of your dragons :D
omg it's amazing!
Used in a 2-hour game I did with my students.
Your pixel art skills are Remarkable! \(^_^)/
all they are prety nice, but it dont have some animations?
I used the small flying dragon sprite in my game: https://lucas-c.itch.io/undying-dusk
Thank you!!
For fans of these dragon images, wanted to share a game I just released using a bunch of these (plus an original one that I drew as well): Dragon Battle.
More details (including free-to-play online link) below.
Thanks again for a great set of art that really helped bring my retro-style JRPG to life.
Dragon Battle, the new GameBoy-inspired RPG that playtesters called "insanely hard," "joyful", and "highly addictive", has just released to Steam and itch.io after 2+ years in development.
Reviews from SoCal Retro Game Convention 2022t:
- "This takes me back. It reminded me of playing Zork!"
- "This is great. The concept is simple, but I can play this over and over and never get bored because there are so many paths to choose."
- "When I load the free-to-play link, my phone turns into a GameBoy?! AWESOME!!"
Release includes free-to-play online version (on itch.io) along with downloadable versions for PC (via Steam) and GameBoy ROM (via itch.io). The core game art is also available on OpenGameArt.
Dragon Battle is a loop of 25 dragon encounters with a brief stop at the marketplace in between, culminating in the final showdown against the Dragon King.
4 classes to choose from:
[*] serf / peasant on a quest for vengence
[*] knight on a noble quest
[*] wizard in training
[*] ryukyu / karate apprentice
As you progress through the game, your skills and spells organically level up ... with some steady buffs, too, to give the players all the help they can get. You're gonna need it, these beasties get tougher and tougher! Experience points are earned through failure, and the game's super-crunchy combat system provides lots of opportunity for failed skill checks! With 25 total dragon battles against 9 different dragons that lead up to the final encounter with the Dragon King, there's also lots of opportunity to hone your skills as you prepare for the final encounter. Higher level dragons randomly drop magic weapons and armor, and many semi-magic items are available for sale in the market. Level up your riddle skill and unlock the secret peaceful ending!
The game itself unfolds like the retelling of an ancient myth, with all the dramatic action that narrative storytelling can provide. Great play-acting material for Dungeon Masters / Game Masters who want to work on their narrative technique.
[*] Beautiful 8-bit Gameboy pixel art
[*] Rockin' original chip tune soundtrack
[*] Super-crunchy custom rpg ruleset
[*] 10 unique dragons
[*] 20+ different riddles
[*] Endless hours of gameplay
[*] Extensive Players Guide on Steam, check the documentation pages!
-- LINKS --
includes free-to-play online version. (The only feature missing is an auto-save after each successful dragon combat.)
art assets:
creative commons licensing. use in your own projects, make fan art, have fun with it.
There is an idle-animated version of the big dragon: https://opengameart.org/content/dragon-idle-animation