Colony sim assets
Colony sim assets
Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 06:22
Art Type:
I once dreamed of making a space colony sim game. Never did, though I made some graphics for it - here they are.
All the buildings come in three colour variation. There is a recolor made with DawnBringer's 32 color palette as well.
The terrains are made of 16x16 tiles.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
NOT REQUIRED, though appreciated: credit me as Buch and link back either to my OGA profile page or to

That would make for a great "Revenge of the titans" ( ) like tower-defense game too.
Since they open-source an slightly outdated version of that great game: (no assets)
maybe someone wants to start a FOSS game with these great assets from Buch? Could probably easily be turned into a realtime towerdefense/colony building hybrid ;)
Edit: see here:
Awesome stuff.
I think they would sit better on the ground if you removed the dark lines from the bottom edges.
These look pretty good. They have given me inspiration and motivation to create something. I will attempt to mock up some kind of game with these assets,
These are pretty awesome. I think these could make a really fun colony sim game. Maybe tile-turn-based with 2-32 players and customisable turn timers.
It'd be fun to play a long sim game where 32 people get 1 hour long turns and you can queue up turn actions so they auto play if the player is sleeping or at work for 8-12 hours.
Too bad there isnt a +1 button. Cause I would give ya a +5 for such a simple elegant improvement.
Wow you are really talented!
Love your stuff, and style!
i planned to make an extension for this soon...
here i have a preview of some assets i made for an extended version i will release soon (95% tomorrow)
Which palette is this in? It looks almost like CGA, but not quite. Pretty nice in any case.
It was a custom palette, then I recolored using Dawnbringer's 32 color palette.
CòÓl !! ;D
Anything ever become of these extended sprites? :)
I love your color palette, very clean sprites. Sad you didn't finished the game =(
Great tileset. Using them as placeholder atm for my current game project.