Knight Woman 16px Dungeon Platformer
Knight Woman 16px Dungeon Platformer
I don't even know when I started this but I'm cleaning up my drive (just in case it explodes or decides to travel to mars) and saw this unfinished so I finished it, didn't test it and made a mockup screen of it.
It's a farmer woman who was painted blue because she agreed to rescue the evil king's not evil prince who was kidnapped by goon dragons(?) which were probably hired by his evilness himself.
I wonder how the prince will react to that news, although I can well imagine that he would fail to understand. Watch "A Fairy Tale" (Special German Episodes?) of Monty Python's Flying Circus to get a better feel for where I am getting with this I suppose.
What follows is some kind of plot text that I wrote:
[ It is night. Stars in the sky. Side view on castle (right) and woods (left) ]
[ Bad King, Prince in castle ]
1. Baddies go to castle door and say they are salad delivery. King sends princess to open. Baddies kidnap prince.
2. Farmer woman is interrupted in his work by two guards. She is brought to the king. King asks her whether she wants to save the prince.
3. Farmer woman can select "Yes!" or "No!"
4. If "Yes!", farmer woman is painted blue (armor you know) and kicked into dungeon. If "No!", King says "...NOTFINISHED