Three characters
Three characters
I found this while google searching <<<"Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License" blender>>>. The author has this to say:
Since I don't plan to use these anymore anytime soon, I decided to share them with the community. I hope it can be useful to someone, somehow.
Intended to use in the BGE.

Hey, man! I remember when you released these on the BA! I actually rigged and animated the ninja and used him in a test file!
... Great models!-YA A.K.A Mr. Poly
mrpoly: care to upload the edited ninja? :)
Thanks! Great to hear it was useful to you :)
I make qubodup comment my words too :)
It's me kernel_script xD (now logged)
I'm a teddy bear fan, may be I'll use this for my website !