Mitty's Maize
Mitty's Maize
I want to collect open game art pertaining to corn/maize breeding, agriculture and general office and virtual lab work as well as fantasy themed tilesets for things like casinos and castles etc. E.g. Soil textures, corn/maize at various growth stages, maize with tassel bags over the tassels, maize with earshoot bags, hoes, jab planters,backpack sprayer, farm vehicles and farm implements like tractor, combine, pickup truck, plows, disc harrows, special two-disc aisle marker,corn planter with buckets and cones, bulk urea pellet spreader, antique equipment like sulky horse drawn plow, walk-behind plow etc. Automatic numbering machine, ink bottle, scale, coin envelopes(like playing cards), numbered coin envelopes,seeds, diamonds, shoebox corners, stylus or pencil, various types of organizing boxes (empty and filled with envelopes containing seed), shelving, tables, chairs, kitchen, office, field labour and other sprites with different clothing styles. A tileset for the building exterior and interior. A tileset for the secret lab.