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Tuesday, February 9, 2016 - 23:20

Okay How many more days before the sound demo file is ready? As for modeling, well my my windows script code, the first few pages of all the flags I set up for the game (there's about 30 pages of flag settings here   Thsi is what goes in the SAVE DATA FILE.  I couln't upload the text file so i poste a small excerpt of it here.   I can always delete the long extraction later later once you seen how i set this game all up.

set macusrejectshut=0      && Rem Macus Cloud Nebula Abandoned Ship Shuttle Rejected Flag
set macushiplog=0          && Rem Macus Cloud Nebula Abandoned Ship Log Item Flag
set deadgorgos=1           && Rem Jamsi Hovercar Race Dialog Trigger Reference Flag
set jhovercarbuy=0         && Rem Tryphis System Jamsi Hovercar Race Driver Dialog Trigger
set hadconvmine=1          && Rem Tryphis System Mine Dialog Trigger 1
set sloopremedymax=10      && Rem Besai System Sky City Garden Pet Store Sloop Shop Max Limit
set slooprotectgear=0      && Rem Besai System Sky City Garden Pet Store Sloop Protective Gear


Monday, February 8, 2016 - 04:12

This game I'm doing is in the 26th century setting. Its a Sci-Fi Rpg Storyline dialog Game.  The game is a bit like Mass Effect but there's no shepherd or reapers in it, but its a SCi Fi Transgalactic game with a ton of jobs..  Tom still has got the Beat 'n' Shake club project, the work on that only just had started....  Well you can do the sloop if you want, that's the vicious little Mohawk fur slimeball creature that lives in the Besai Sky City Stink Crystal Gardens Farm area..  Besai Sky City is is a living sewer nightmare,  I explained what this place was like to Tom its bascially the whole planet is a living recycling sewer dump.

I also considered having an opening cutscene for Besai Sky homeworld.

Here's the info on the Sloop. They have Little Red beady eyes

Sloop Class 1 Weak: Green Slmeball like creature moves on short stubby little legs going fast like windmills, but the body moves slow Tries to bite at you if you get too close to it.

Sloop Class 2 Medium: Green Slimeball with some Fur and fin webbing running own back, throws slimeballs. also has poison bite.

Sloop Class 3 Strong: This sloop has a bright orange white fur mohawk running down head and spine, body fur is brownish green in color, Has several classes of different attacks. And can throw slimeballs quite a distance.

If you obtain the sloop translator from the Besai pet store, then you can decode their langauage.

I might put in the storyline where the Gorgos who are usually either trying to stir up trouble by barging in the beat 'n' shake clubs and causing trouble getting hostile or picking fights in the bars, they also don't like to loose,  and get mad when losing in hoverbike races they enter into, so they are bascially bullies, they come from Dacra Space, they are brute thugs with not much intelligence, they have been also kidnapping Sloops from Besai unknown to the Besians, but they are suspicious that something is up, for sloop numbers have been dwindling and evenually they ask you to investigate, and as it turns out the Gorgos have been turning them into pet food, so you have to find and shut down their illegal distribtion center and the pet factory operation as part of one of the sloop storylines.The sloop storyline is a very small part of this vast game.

Monday, February 8, 2016 - 03:53




Sunday, February 7, 2016 - 16:21

How can you still be having more troubles and other 'bugs'popping up with the commander's model?Why is he messing all up on you, Well, I do remmeber a Blender Swap model of high quality called Tetine Elfie she was a very good looking model, she would suit my game well with one major problem.   When rendering her animations for her to walk over an pick up the box off the ground, when it gets to that point of picking up the box, , her hair starts all turning into a jumbled up mess on the screen, definitely not normal, so when I think of jumbled up mess, I think of what happene to that model's hair.

I thought Tom had already explained how the model had been set up, including how the hair systems have been done so it won't mess up and should all render.  I did not gve Tom an easy task to try to get the model looking like the real life photo with all the hair and stuff. Tom knows how to do all the processes for this but didn't have the time to finish it off.  But Tom has uploaded the correct file, so the textures should be there, and you're still having trouble with rendering the model's textures and hair systems, if Tom gives you any instructions on how to render the model, follow them exactly, the textures could be assigned to name labels, instead of just slapping the texture in.

Ok do the voice demo work if you able to do that. so I can at least make a start on the voice work. As for the commander's model, this is now turning into a bit of a nightmare regarding getting him done because Tom has no time to get him all finished becaue of another project, that's why his hair is not finished yet and missing a few other tweaks ect..  And the other modeler guy who was supposed to model my sloop creature for me has stopped responding after saying to me that he would model it, an I haven't heard back anything more for nearly 2 weeks !!!, so maybe you could model other things for me instead that are not as difficult to model as human models are, like creatures and stuff, or props that the game needs if you have time that is for things have not gone right for me either, for Tom ran out of time to finish the model's processes, the female voice actor for the role of Loana, suddenly fell ill, and her lines are still all on hold so I can't do anything there, Loana had about 150 segments of her lines done, and Loana has still got over a thousand segments still to do in her script.   So I've had some setbacks.  Hopefully something will come right.   But I think with any project, there are bound to be some setbacks before things start to work themselves out..........


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 - 20:38

I wonder what kind of games Fluffy Cloud Studios like making.  The name reminds me of that vicious three-headed Cerebrus dog in Harry Potter..   Chris, I would like to know whats happening with the Commander model, I've not seen any screenshots yet to see if any more work has been done, whats this you tell me about saving the file on a flash drive and giving it to top men?   Who are these top men you mention?   Tom gave the file to you to finishing the modeling of of his hair and put the rest of the finishing touches on the face to get it close as we can to match the real life guy in the photo. 

As for the voice demo thing, I've seen nothing more about that in six days now.   As for the model I thought it would just take a short time to tweak the Commander to get him matching up the photo unless you have to do a complete overhaul on him because I don't know what's going on at the moment with the commander's modeling work now that Tom has given you the correct file.  W've not heard back from you about it for several days to see how things are progressing with it. 

When I finally do receive that voice test, I have minor dialog roles in the game (less than 50-100 lines) as well as maor roles, because the Commander (the lead role guy) has got 4,100 text dialog segments.  Each segment contains 1-4 lines of text each. so roughtly around 8,000-9,000 lines of dialog) 

The Commander  is one of the big jobs.   But Storm his sidekick is the biggest job of all, he has the most dialog but I know Its going to take a motivated person to get the commander's dialog work done because I done all the typing up of all the dialog text in the game and also made several thousand synthesis speech files (which I want to replace with human voice graduallly) but I did the speech synthesis to test out all the storylines and i know with big projects, like this, in order to remain motivated, you have to do a little bit of work on it at a time on a regular basis.

.Keep me updated on the model


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 - 17:37

Ermm I was referring to Chris when I wrote that, he might have some time even though i know you're very busy now, byw what studio? 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - 17:07

Yeah Once the model is done then there's the rigging part, I think he will need the idle breathing animation, idle yawn stretch, . For when this guy gets bored of waiting around for activity after a few minutes, maybe I should make this guy just nod off and fall asleep. and then when you press a key he says one liners like:

Axel back online and ready for action/Oops, Did I doze off, sorry about that,/Dam. Must've fallen asleep again, I was just taking a  plank (er break.),/ Even I need rest or how do you expect me to keep recharging my health?


death and start again One Liners:    Oh no, dead again, do I have to start all over?/ I hate games that have no checkpoints, remember to save!/  , I will not fail you this time. I promise.,/ It can't be over, I haven't even gotten to the good part yet,/ I will be back, I will do better next time, /Dying is becoming such an annoying habit/ I was too weak to survive, I will be stronger next time./Don't worry, just get me up another ten more levels then I can stop dying all the time.



Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - 16:28

Hmm yes we need him looking as human as we can get him. that's what I'm aiming for to try to get the closest possble match with him to the real life photo.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - 15:27

OH, I see,  I thought it be more easier with a mic and just the home computer.   But if you're going for higher quality, I guess you have to do it that way with the band gear.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - 08:19

Also I just noticed that Its been three days now in waiting for that voice test file to be uploaded  Also Tom uses a different setup, so I don't know how long it will take to get the model hair and face stuff  done.  Probably a bit Longer than 2 days no doubt. but the voice test I need shouldn't take longer than two days to get done. it should only take just 5 minutes.

