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Monday, October 20, 2014 - 17:15

@yd : I need to know if you want your resources to stay private during the development of this game.

That will mean keeping the snapshots of the game private too (just the team members, maybe allow interested testers too), which will make development a bit more cumbersome than it would be if using a public repository. But it is completely up to you.

Monday, October 20, 2014 - 17:04

@ulf : thanks for that, screenshot below.  It took a little fiddling, one issue was the general scale of the model, Darkplaces expects objects to be a certain size, for example the player is usually a cuboid of size 32x32x56 (for physics), and I suspect one of yd's room tiles will need to be something like 128x128 or 256x256 units for the engine.  But the torch was about 1/20 (roughly) of the needed scale.  So in the screenshot it is not the right scale.

The other thing that stops it being usable as-is was the texture definitions in the OBJ model.  I need to look into it further, but we probably want the OBJ itself to not contain any "usemtl" statements (disable the materials), and then Darkplaces picks up a texture from the OBJ name + image extension (like "torch_wall.obj.png").

Ulf, if you are up for something a bit more challenging, please try installing the IQM (InterQuakeModel) exporter for Blender, and extract the wall switch (with the big lever, which I assume is animated) and export is as an IQM model. You can find the IQM development kit here:  -- I will see about getting it animated in the engine.  Oh yeah scale it up 10x or 20x times.


Saturday, October 18, 2014 - 20:11

For Darkplace we want all the non-animated parts of the level in one big mesh (OBJ format), and I assume that yd's script can do this already.

Animated things are a bit harder.  The wall switches and buttons should be separate objects (called "entities" in Darkplaces).  All the objects in a level, including lights, get placed in a "ENT" file which the engine loads.  So a wall switch should be exported as an IQM (InterQuakeModel) file.  The IQM website has an up-to-date Blender export script.

For doors which open, or a grating which goes up, these don't need to be IQM format, OBJ format is fine, and the game code will take care of moving or rotating the model -- i.e. the animation is done with code instead of by the model itself.

An open question (for me) is how we can place objects using Tiled -- I haven't used it before (compiled and installed it today).  It is surely possible, just a matter of specifics and getting the Blender script to read those objects and create the ENT file.

So I think the main task now is sorting out the mapping pipeline.  I will start learning about Tiled and get more familiar with Blender, and see about getting the example level to load in Darkplaces.

@ulf : do you think you could extract the wall torch from yd's blend file into a stand-alone blend file (ideally with its texture too) ?  Even better to export it as an OBJ file, and the texture as a file too.  And I'll look into importing it into Darkplaces.

@cemkalyoncu : I'm happy if you want to work on the (back-) story for the game.  A solid story can really help set a direction for everyone to work towards.  We don't even have a name for the game yet, hehe, though there is plenty of time to decide that.

Friday, October 17, 2014 - 16:20

Hi ulf, I can't speak for yd but I certainly welcome more contributors to this project.  Your stuff already on OGA looks very nice.

OK, here is the second snapshot of the game.  The main new feature is ability to pickup and drop objects (with drag-n-drop), and apply the key to a lock to open a door.  Note that all artwork in this is place-holder stuff, excepts perhaps the mouse pointer.

Download link:

Repository link:


List of Changes:

  • show a pointer, can highlight and describe objects
  • ability to pick up and drop an item (a gold key)
  • ability to use the key to unlock the door
  • free camera mode : TAB or right mouse button
  • better support for different video resolutions
  • moved lights of test map into '.ent' file
  • switched Quake-C compiler to 'gmqcc'
  • a slightly better font
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 18:02

Little update : I have been working on the inventory system, and ability to drag-n-drop objects to and from the inventory.  It is surprisingly difficult, but I like a challenge :-).  I will make another snapshot soon with this feature working.

Thursday, October 9, 2014 - 16:33

First snapshot package:

The map file is an OBJ model, which should make it easy to construct the map (algorithmically or by hand), though performance may become an issue if maps become large.

The github repository is here:

Now I will work on showing a cursor when a map is loaded, and ability for that cursor to hover over an object and can show a description about it.  (Will check out those other darkplaces games too)

Thursday, October 9, 2014 - 02:12

Heh, I remember the Amiga IFF format, described in detail in one of those big blue books IIRC.

Back on topic, you may need to search this site for "icon" or "gui" or other more generic terms.

Thursday, October 9, 2014 - 00:22

I have been working on setting up a repository containing very minimal QC code + very minimal assets for running Darkplaces.  I will post the link soon, I still need to make a very basic menu and test it under Windows.

Monday, October 6, 2014 - 23:01

@Julius: thanks for the links, will take a look (already downloaded the Hunted Chronicles)

@yd: I am ready to start, but I am also hoping that other people will come and participate in this project.  So, do we wait a bit, or starting making something and hope other people will get interested when there is something to show?

Monday, October 6, 2014 - 22:52

I'm quite sure there is no special rule for spelling Armor.  I just checked the Nethack guide, spells it "armor", so does DOOM and Quake.

Personally I would spell it appropriately for your target audience.
