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Sunday, August 12, 2018 - 13:25

I'm starting started to bring all iron and metal stuff I can find onto one palette (7 colors + background), but I think I'm using too much detail on the reflection. I just let it do mtPaint automatically, which might not be the best idea.

I'm using the iron palette of roman plate.

Sunday, August 12, 2018 - 12:40

@castelonia: as I sai before, somebody fucked up the base sheets. I already noticed this when I with my full body suit, and mentioned it here before.

I just looked into it. It's because of the new animations.

With shooting added it goes from 11 to 20.

With piercing added it goes from 11 to 75.

It is still basically just 11 colors, since there are many colors are just looking slightly different.

You can use those from my repo, normal and muscelar male as well as normal and pregnant female use a palette of ten 11 to 12 colors. It's only indexed 8-bit in my repo, with canvas it gets converted back to full color. (only light skin in repo)

The eleventh color is not used yet, but is intended for the teeth of orcs. Grayish orc has 159 colors, light green orc has 244 different colors.

With < 20 colors it's doable, but I would still recolor automatically then just fix what looks weird. Or pick colors from the base palettes or so. Having more than 20 colors is rather a sign for having too many colors, I think.

It would make sense to bring all characters light palette and all clothes maybe yellow. At least colors which aren't too dark or to bright to see the details.

With that base you can "just" switch the color palette. Before doing it with javascript I just did it with mtPaint, which can load gimp color palettes. You will only see a change with indexed images, but when you convert to indexed it allows to "use current palette"


No, I think the images you started working with aren't good. It's likely the same for each color, it has so many colors mtPaint didn't even give me the option for an exact conversion. That's why I focused on iron.

I think a problem is that the sprites you use have different colors to begin with. (horned helmet sticks out)

Other tools should be possible to limit the used color palette as well, mtPaint is just what I'm working with, but it's a dead project.

The original plate armor is good, but I don't know where the horned helmet is comming from.

Sunday, August 12, 2018 - 07:03

Copper should look more brownish, I think.

Brass looks flat.

Those are likely issues who where there before:

Steel alone uses 34 different colors (with background). That shouldn't be. Original plate armour "only" uses 13 colors, which already pretty much. For comparison: base characters use 11 colors and this includes eye color.

So you use basically a multitude of palettes, the horned helmet uses completely different colors from the rest.

The outline border within metal isn't consistent (horned vs. rest). I would maybe use black for iron and bronze and back to #281820 for the rest.

And I don't understand why there are two versions of the horned helmet, one shiny and one dull.



A few assets do not look anything like LPC despite tagging themselves so.

My own stuff doesn't look better. For triumph I just colorized it with gimp and picked the colors from the original captain triumph imag. I tried to use the colors from the base asset for my police car, but it looks weird.

original palette

Friday, August 10, 2018 - 12:10

My code isn't stable, it breaks often.

I mostly implement features on a very basic level, but I would need to do some polishing later.

I've implemented color palette switching.

So I just override the name and switch to new color palette. This means, colors are limited to available palettes. Palettes should be chosen or at least fixed manually, which I have no experience with. It looks better if there aren't so many different colors used, also automatically recoloring with gimp changes colors of eyes and the outline.

Since I do simple color replacement, I have to specify the used palette in tsx files.

I modified some images, since I'm not satisfied with the current quality. Light male used 82 different colors, which I reduced to 12. I also shrink it all down to 8-bit png.

I think about splitting base into skin color and body type selection, since all clothes depend on the body type.

Best default color is light skin tone and white, I guess. Darker palettes merge some colors, which would be bad for replacement.

Flipping down fucks up the reflections. Handedness is inconsistent, because left and right are nearly just flipped (reflection was the only difference I saw).

Wednesday, August 8, 2018 - 14:23

I'll go the hard way for my version. I'm still not sure how I wanna handle multiple links (github, oga etc.)

But you find some funny things here and there: JRConway3 and JaidynReiman is the same person.

I plan on doing an PR in the end, I could already generate sprites from multilayer assets (same category, name and sex)

Maybe for heads and such it would be easier to just specify the offsets for each frame instead of actually manually copying it. Maybe I'll play around with that for Major Triumph, I really don't wanna do that manually. You would even need to do less if the overlapping arms are on a different layer.

It would be harder to import that into a game, but one could always just generate the sprite sheet.

Only bad thing with canvas is that you can't create 8bit PNG with indexed pallette. I guess it's sufficient to shrink it manually later on.

Recoloring also could be done with simple color replacement. Gimp's pallette (gpl) files are just plain text.

I also think body none could be practical for generating dress combinations.

But I have no idea how to handle sprites that depend on others like noses, lizard hood etc.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018 - 00:48

I've only adden 4 sprite sheets so far.

It does not really run. You can select sprite sheets and it breaks easily.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - 18:56

Luckily it's quiet easy to load XML and JSON with vanilla Javascript.

I'm loading spritesheets into charactersets, distinguished by name and category.

This means male and femal are in one set, but more interestlingly such sets would make it pretty easy to load sprites with multiple layers.

I wasn't aware of that possibility, just chose sets so animations can be scattered over multiple files.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - 15:49

@castelonia: I'd copy cc-by-sa 3.0 to the bottom of the LICENSE file and mention in the beginning that the code is GPL 3.0 everything in spritesheets/ is dual licensed under GPL 3.0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0.

And that the authors can bee looked up in the AUTHORS.txt file.

What makrohn did is already a pretty dirty way of doing it. You would also need to give the correct title of the work, it would be better to use the actual file names

Additionally, you must retain a copyright notice, a link to the license (or to the deed), a license notice, a notice about the disclaimer of warranties, and a URI if reasonable. For versions prior to 4.0, you must also provide the title of the work.

How do I properly attribute material offered under a Creative Commons license

I always had trouble finding the originals.

@bigbeargames: I use the generator as an overview and preview.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - 12:46

All LPC spritesheets are at least licensed GPL 3.0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0

Your repository is only licensed GPL 3.0, therefore people who wanna use by-sa would need to look on oga for the originals.

Generated spritesheets from those sources are also only GPL 3.0 then.

You neither mention the authors or link to the uploads on oga, which is fine for GPL 3.0

Universal LPC spritesheet has an AUTHORS.txt for by-sa.

I mentioned it, because I think you just overlooked that side effect of replacing the submodule.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - 11:59

I just started to fork it and try to put all meta data into tsx-files.

For now I plan for the tileset following properties:

  • author (; delimited, path to json)
  • category (; delimited)
  • layer (int)
  • license (; delimited)
  • sex (int as boolean array: 1 male, 3 female)
  • url
  • original (; delimited, path to tsx)

For tiles (always the first of a row):

  • animation (spellcast etc.)
  • direction (int)

I'm not sure if I also want to use tiled's animations, that would be pretty redundant. Content of the author json is:

  • name
  • url

This would allow to mix spritesheets with different formats, warn for missing animations, generate a spritesheet with only a part of all animations. Encoding relationships between spritesheets could help to apply improvements of the original to derivatives.

This would allow games to access that data, instead of hardcoding it for the generator.

I also want to throw out cloudflare, since I think it's stupid to load libraries from other sites. The risk, that I'll just loose motivation is high.
