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Friday, June 3, 2016 - 20:43

I finally got a day off work and it's rainy outside so I mapped a bit testing some of the stuff I'm slowing bringing together.

This is an example of the new castle in the new forest.  Jetrel made the first wall and floor tile that got me started.  He also did the railing and statue.  The castle is CCO art (I'll make it available on OGA when I feel it's complete).  Still need castle windows/deugeon window bars, doors, stairs that pop you out on the roof, flags and more floor variations.

There's a little bit of LPC in there now ;)

Polishing continues...

Sunday, February 9, 2014 - 16:19

@Andrettin, I'll contact Hyptosis about dual-licensing his art under GPLv2 as well(I was going to do this anyways as I just recently re-worked/re-colorized a bunch of my favorite OGA stuff and I'd like it all to be under as many licenses as possible).  That way as many games as possible could utilize the work I've done.  I want to help people like you :)  I've got a ton of art to submit to OGA but I still need to sort out some licensing things(like this with Hyptosis) and I haven't got around to doing that yet as I don't have internet access where I currently live.

So here's a small example of the art I've been working on and you could expect me to have this licensing stuff cleared up( +this art I'll be submitting to OGA) within the next month (hopefully :P) or as soon as I can get around to it.

Peace -Zabin

(edit: Forgot to mention this is all re-colorized using DB32 color palette so everything fits together nicely ;) )

Friday, January 3, 2014 - 08:29

@psycho Thanks for the nice comment, I appreciate it.  It was good practice making this fire animation.  My skills in animation have improved since I made this so I will improve upon this in the future.

Friday, September 27, 2013 - 17:19

I used Tiled to map that area and your right about it being too crowded.  This was intended to show how the assets worked together and was not really meant to look like a scene in a game.  All 67 of Redshrikes enemies are crammed in there as well as a couple other odd sprites off of the site.

What I wonder is if other people agree that even though there's probably thousands of colors and no global color palette, does it all work together?  I think it does but that's just my opinion.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013 - 20:19

Hey everybody :-]

Nice to hear from you guys and yes these animations are fun to make and yes women are a great distraction :-P

Ok I haven't made any new animations but I did draw up an example map to show how I think it all matches style even though there is no color palette.  Let me know what you guys think.  Oh and I was trying to name these guys so if you have any suggestions for the ones I didn't name or the ones I did please help me name these guys!  Peace!showing how the style matches


Thursday, August 22, 2013 - 20:14

Hi again :-]

I wanted to show off here a little of what I've been poking at slowly over the summer.

I've learned some new things, got better at animations, mostly by looking into subpixel art.

I haven't been able to update my Dusk blog with anything new for a long time, or the chance to try and motivate the Java developer who's upgrading the old game to continue his poking at it, pretty much because this summer was pretty crazy (eventful) for me and here's what's happened in a nutshell this summer if your interested:  Quit working for a mean guy, moved to a new house, changed source of income, no easy access to internet, riding my bike for exercise, swimming, enjoying the weather, met a nice girl.

Dusk has been in the back of my mind for 13 years and I will never quit talking about this neat old game until it see's the light again.  Thanks to a couple guys it's seeing some light.  I want to thank them and give them my apologies for my absence as of late.  I enjoy the nice weather when I can so once winter is back I'll be inside playing on the computer again.

Anyways back on subject.  I gave some of Redshrikes RPG enemies a simple 3 frame animation to bring them to life.  I think a simple 3 frame animation like these are perfect for Dusk.  I haven't showed anybody these yet and I'll email Notzed after this post to see what he thinks about it.

There's a couple 2 frame animations also: OGA's mascot Sara, Blarumyrran's Battle for Wesnoth serpent, and a cute doggie Bertram got from TMW forums and is using in his game Valyria Tear.

Since NotZed implemented animated tiles in Dusk the first thing he asked for was a water animation so I tinkered around and my attempts sucked.  So I took Len's beach animation he made for his game Whispers of Avalon combined it with rhyging5's ocean animation for Battle for wesnoth, plus a little shallow-deep water I made and came up with this.  There's some obvious flaws in it but I got it to the point it's not embarrasing to show off.  It should be easy (1 day of work) to polish it up and fix most the flaws.  All the art used for the water is licensed GPL or CCBYSA.  I plan to contact all the artists of all the art you see in this gif preview and submit it to OGA when I can. (probally won't happen for a couple months from not having easy access to the internet.)  My main hope is that rhyging5's will dual license his art with CCBYSA.  If not, it'll just be in a seperate submission.

I'm being rushed and I've typed too much already, anyways I hope you guys enjoy seeing some new stuff I've been poking at ;)


Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 19:30

@Kalagaraz Heh, it might appear like that but that's not what I was thinking when I put that corpse there.  I was thinking of 'Bandits' which are bad guys who rob people travelling the roads between cities.  A quest I had in mind was to kill the 4 bandit leaders, as 1 of the jobs for the bounty hunter's office. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - 13:10

Hey, these are great!  Thanks for submitting them to OGA.  The pants in the first preview aren't included in the download.  Anyways I hope to see more art like this from you ;)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - 00:48

@familyfarm  Yep, these tiles are pretty awesome.  I just re-worded the attribution instructions to simplify it to a short sentence.  So copy the new simplified shortened text of the attribution instructions and provide the links as well and you'll be just fine ;-)

Monday, June 3, 2013 - 18:39

Hi :-]

Thanks for showing me this, it's nice to see a map drawn with these tiles.  That is definately a cool effect.  Nice tutorial BTW and thanks again for putting my art to good use ;)
