Hmmm I can do any one of 16x16, 32x32 , and 64x64 just fine, provided my art style is actually what you're looking for. You should take a look at my drawings here on OGA to see if it's something you can use. Also some information about the scope of the project and estimated time commitment, and whether you have any other artists in the project,would be nice :) In regards to Discord I'm really not comfortable with a team as large as what I saw on the server link you gave me, and I don't think I really wanna do this project if that many people are involved.
I don't think "serious" is the right word, I think you mean "realistic" XD My work is as serious as any. But you're right, it's not my style XD. With music, I guess I can at least put together a demo track if you're interested :) What style of music are you looking for then?
-How many tracks
- And how long
And if you can tell me which scenes in with these tracks should be used. It would be a huge help :)
-But keep in mind it'll still be a SIDE project for me...
What would this character's sprite look like? I might do this as a side project, since my main one is taking a break currently. I'm not really interested in the money tbh, I'd only do it for the hell of it :P
I can try it i guess. :) i don't know if i can give you the style you want tho. If you want, I can maybe also make a few music tracks...
Hmmm I can do any one of 16x16, 32x32 , and 64x64 just fine, provided my art style is actually what you're looking for. You should take a look at my drawings here on OGA to see if it's something you can use. Also some information about the scope of the project and estimated time commitment, and whether you have any other artists in the project,would be nice :) In regards to Discord I'm really not comfortable with a team as large as what I saw on the server link you gave me, and I don't think I really wanna do this project if that many people are involved.
Can I see an example of the game's visual art style? Have you begun to draw the graphics yet?
I would like to hear about your project. However on the discord channel the team is a bit too large for my liking. I've added you on facebook tho
The link appears broken? But i may be interested, at least for now. What would you need people for?
Yes I do. Aeitia#6354
Opening channels is up to you tho.
I don't think "serious" is the right word, I think you mean "realistic" XD My work is as serious as any. But you're right, it's not my style XD. With music, I guess I can at least put together a demo track if you're interested :) What style of music are you looking for then?
-How many tracks
- And how long
And if you can tell me which scenes in with these tracks should be used. It would be a huge help :)
-But keep in mind it'll still be a SIDE project for me...
What sorta size in pixels are you going for?
What would this character's sprite look like? I might do this as a side project, since my main one is taking a break currently. I'm not really interested in the money tbh, I'd only do it for the hell of it :P
I don't think he's looking for a literal definition of what pathfinding is, Rainbow. XD