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Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 16:01

hehehe. Shoot'em-right


Monday, March 13, 2023 - 10:49

Thanks. Fixed...ish.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - 20:08

"does that count as reselling?"

Losely interpreted, yes it could, which is why none of the licenses on OGA allow for extra stipulations like "no reselling."

sell those assets all by themselves, shouldn't that be the only reason to get called out for infringement?

I understand what you're getting at, and its a good point, but... Nope, that isn't the only reason, because it isn't a reason at all. Because even selling the assets by themselves isn't infringement of the license. If the license says "no reselling" then it isn't a CC0 license, is it? It's like saying "Well, it's totally free, as long as you pay me $50.00" Well, then it isn't free, is it?

The assets here on OGA are openly licensed. If you get them from here, they can be resold, packaged with a game or otherwise. The terms of use on assets you get from somewhere else are irrelevant here. It doesn't matter if they appear to be the exact same assets as differently licensed assets elsewhere. If there are weird terms attached to assets on some other site, don't get them from that other site. Get them from here instead.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - 11:32

If you never distribute the files in your game or project, then you don't have to make them available. If you distribute the sounds in your game, they must be publicly available to people in some fashion.

Assuming you'll be distributing them in some fasion, the files have to be easily available* to people and it must be clear what license the files are under, and they should be accessible without people paying for them. That doesn't mean you can't charge money for your game, the files can be packaged with a commercial game, but these files must also be available in some other fasion as well. One that doesn't involve a paywall. 

*"easily available" means you can't just say "you can use the files if you can find a way to extract them from my compiled unity package. Good luck, suckers!" You should list them in the credits, and also indicate a simple way for people to access them so people can get them without using special extraction tools. If you can't distribute the files as plain ol' files within a freely available game, then you'll need to make them available in some other way. For example, if you sell your game on or steam, make an additional asset pack download:

"Skate-comment-and-survive, arcade edition! $12.99 [purchase and download]"  (contains game + CC-BY-SA sound files)

"Free SC&S assets, $0.00 [download]" (contains just the CC-BY-SA sound files.)

One obvious alternative to all this is sharing them on OGA, but if the changes you make to the original file are trivial, we consider it effectively the same asset that is already present on OGA and we ask that you do not upload duplicates. What sort of alterations are you thinking of? It may help me understand how to simplify the requirements you'll need to adhere to.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - 10:33

@crizp: see this example for how to credit.

"Share Alike" means if you take these sounds and change or adapt them into new sounds, the new sounds must also be under the same license. You are sharing your adaptations in the same way the original sounds were shared. aka sharing alike. Let me know if you have additional questions. :)

Friday, February 17, 2023 - 13:30

Ooh, nice. 

Page bookmarked.

Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 15:02

Ok, all the links are reworked. The only things I wasn't able to recover were a few tarballs, .zips and some links to html tools. If surt or anyone else happens to have the missing parts, send them to me and I'll fix those too.

Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 12:45

I hope this works out for you, but most of the issues you're working through have little to do with OGA, so there is almost nothing we can advise you on more than what has already been said.

"...I got in touch about it and will come back here with an answer so that other users don't have to go through this kind of situation..."

Thanks. But other users already don't have to go through this situation for the assets in question. I mean, you don't have to go through this situation either, but it sounds like your publisher(?) is convinced otherwise.

Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 00:40

All the assets are available, but I have yet to rework all the links in this thread. Thought you might like to know.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 18:55

A few hours I think
