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Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 10:19

@Shokio: Different game engines require different arrangments for graphics. A Spritesheet is the norm, actually. A game engine needing individual frames of animations is atypical... Fortunately, splitting spritesheets into individual frames is fairly easy. Try these steps:

  1. download the spritesheet above
  2. visit
  3. click "Create Sprite" (yellow button in upper-right of page)
  4. click the Import button (white folder icon along right side of page)
  5. under the "Import from picture" heading, click the yellow "browse images" button
  6. select the spritesheet file you downloaded in step 1
  7. click the "Import as spritesheet" radio button and enter the following values. Frame size: 32 x 32. Offset: 0 x 0
  8. Click "Import" button. It will warn you about 'replace your current animation', but you don't have a current animation, so who cares? Click "OK"
  9. In the upper right, you should see it processing the animations. After a few seconds it should be giving you a good preview of all the animation frames. Yay!
  10. To save them as individual frames, click the "EXPORT" button (The white mountain+moon icon on the right side)
  11. On the Export dialog, select the "Zip" tab: [ GIF | PNG | Zip | Others ]
  12. Leave other options alone, and click "Download ZIP" button.

The zip file will contain all the frames as individual png files! :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 09:59

Geez, WithinAmnesia! Check your monitor privilege! We don't all have screens the size of Texas for viewing your screenshots. :P Hahaha!

Seriously, though, nice work! This is a BA feature.

Thursday, November 4, 2021 - 13:18

If you're getting the 3D art from here, then yes. you can modify it however you want so long as you're meeting the requirements of the author. Such requirements are nothing more complicated than listing the proper informaiton on your credits screen and in your credits file. See this FAQ entry for the recommended way to give attribution:


Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - 11:23

Woot! I wonder if I should follow this (renamed?) account to see if anything new pops up.

(@OshDubh: It isn't really a dead thread if there is new relevant information. Thanks for the update! :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 11:54

Any links to the original content?

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 10:54

Yes it does clarify things. Thank you. I gather the main issue is that you are unable to determine which assets to contact Unity about for a refund, yes?

Tuesday, October 5, 2021 - 21:25

@Lee Davis: are you saying you were sharing assets on the Unity asset store that were then removed? Or you were trying to use assets from the Unity asset store in your game projects?

Monday, October 4, 2021 - 14:47

It took me a bit to notice the dropdown at the top for switching between different facial features. That should probably be made a bit more prominent... Or move the selection of facial features to appear along with the color selection when clicking on the "ears", "eyes", "hair" boxes at the bottom. I kept trying to add facial features by clicking on those various color boxes, but they didn't appear to do anything since the features they are coloring didn't exist. I believe it would also be easier to visualize my goal if the initial state of the character had a default value for all the typical features; starting with a head that has no eyes, ears, nose, etc. makes it difficult to understand what I'm able to accomplish. It may also be helpful to include some brief instructions in the "more Information" section description. 

Overall, a nice tool! I think I could really use this. :)

Sunday, October 3, 2021 - 13:19

That's a good one! :)

Sunday, October 3, 2021 - 12:01

Which version are you using as inspiration? You should know that attribution is important, but often complicated. Not all versions of the LPC generator give proper attribution, which is a problem.


If your generator is able to utiiize the dynamically assembled attribution file as outlined in the link above, that would be fantastic. There is also the option of giving the "one file with all the attribution" as well, though.

I would be interested in an LPC character generator that allows me to do a hue shift or color change on individual layers. :)
