Icewind Dale's scenery and terrain isn't based on isometric tiled environments. It's huge prerendered scenes with isometric collision masking applied to it. I imagine it could be difficult to translate that effect in the FLARE engine, but I get the point; a more rugged, randomized edge on the slope may make it look more natural.
Yes, we'll always try to give you about a week to respond, and make two different attempts to contact you, before actually removing the content. Even then, you can expect an explanation from us and a chance to explain your own side. The content can be restored months after it's been removed, too, assuming there is an explanation or correction.
Note that some especially egregious content (highly illegal imagery, pornography, repeated and malicious rule-breaking, etc.) as well as obvious spam may be removed without warning. However the submitter still has the opportunity to explain or appeal after the fact.
Did the freesound moderators give an explanation for the removal, then? I'm glad you were able to get it resolved.
Hmm. that has not been my experience. I am a professional developer, but creating games as a hobby has noticably improved both my coding skills and my art skills. You say you started programming again. What sorts of things are you programming? If they are things that involve both code and art (like video games), I would expect your skills to increase in both, not diminish in one or the other.
It is true many "free art" sites are difficult to verify. I'm not sure what you're looking to discuss, though. This seems like the middle of a conversation.
Opengameart is much better than most with regard to being fully legally useable; every submission is checked and verified for intellectual property conflicts. I would go so far as to say you can be more confident in the commercial availability of OGA assets than for assets on or the unity asset store.
That is correct. The reason it's become such a mess is because the implication by the sellers, (and subsequently the assumption by the buyers) is that NFTs do encapsulate the copyrights.
Haha! the "buy a star" analogy is a good one. I was gifted a star back when that was a popular thing. They were definitely trying to make everyone think it was this offical astronomical database recognized and endorsed by scientists the world over. I was still touched by the gift, but also pretty disappointed in the underlying worthlessness of it.
PSA: reporting stolen artwork on Opensea doesn't work, but emailing a cease & desist letter will get it taken down within an hour or so of submission. This is the way.
Pursuant to 17 USC 512(c)(3)(A), this communication serves as a statement that:
I am {name}, the exclusive rights holder for "{asset name or asset collection}" first publicly revealed on {asset publication date} at {url to original asset publication} and then released in full on {optional official publication date} at {optional official publication url}
These exclusive rights are being violated by material available upon your site at the following URL {url to collectible/NFT}
I have a good faith belief that the use of this material in such fasion is not authorized by the copyright holder, the copyright holder's agent, or the law;
Under penalty of perjury in a United States court of law, I state that the informaiton contained in this notification is accurate, and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the exclusive rights holder for the material in question;
I may be contacted by the following methods: {offical contact methods such as phone number, email, mailing address}
I hereby request that you remove this material as it appears on your service in as expedient a fashion as possible. Thank you.
The only REAL issue is the tab using a cached version of the text from when someone else was viewing OptimusDu's collections. Once the site's cache is refreshed the issue will disappear.
As Danimal has surmised, the rest of it was just me messing around. See how many instances of "OptimusDu" you can find in my totally not-doctored screenshot. :)
This is more of a "show-off-your-project" topic.
[topic moved]
Icewind Dale's scenery and terrain isn't based on isometric tiled environments. It's huge prerendered scenes with isometric collision masking applied to it. I imagine it could be difficult to translate that effect in the FLARE engine, but I get the point; a more rugged, randomized edge on the slope may make it look more natural.
Thanks! I appreciate the appreciation. :)
Yes, we'll always try to give you about a week to respond, and make two different attempts to contact you, before actually removing the content. Even then, you can expect an explanation from us and a chance to explain your own side. The content can be restored months after it's been removed, too, assuming there is an explanation or correction.
Note that some especially egregious content (highly illegal imagery, pornography, repeated and malicious rule-breaking, etc.) as well as obvious spam may be removed without warning. However the submitter still has the opportunity to explain or appeal after the fact.
Did the freesound moderators give an explanation for the removal, then? I'm glad you were able to get it resolved.
I can't speak to the safety of the extensions mentioned above, but the css in the zip files is harmless.
Nice! I'm glad you were able to get that determined. That's good information to know. I look forward to playing it!
Hmm. that has not been my experience. I am a professional developer, but creating games as a hobby has noticably improved both my coding skills and my art skills. You say you started programming again. What sorts of things are you programming? If they are things that involve both code and art (like video games), I would expect your skills to increase in both, not diminish in one or the other.
It is true many "free art" sites are difficult to verify. I'm not sure what you're looking to discuss, though. This seems like the middle of a conversation.
Opengameart is much better than most with regard to being fully legally useable; every submission is checked and verified for intellectual property conflicts. I would go so far as to say you can be more confident in the commercial availability of OGA assets than for assets on or the unity asset store.
That is correct. The reason it's become such a mess is because the implication by the sellers, (and subsequently the assumption by the buyers) is that NFTs do encapsulate the copyrights.
Haha! the "buy a star" analogy is a good one. I was gifted a star back when that was a popular thing. They were definitely trying to make everyone think it was this offical astronomical database recognized and endorsed by scientists the world over. I was still touched by the gift, but also pretty disappointed in the underlying worthlessness of it.
A useful tweet from @Reuben_Wu:
And here is a template in text form:
The only REAL issue is the tab using a cached version of the text from when someone else was viewing OptimusDu's collections. Once the site's cache is refreshed the issue will disappear.
As Danimal has surmised, the rest of it was just me messing around. See how many instances of "OptimusDu" you can find in my totally not-doctored screenshot. :)