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Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 19:27


The house you posted last is viewed from the front, as it would be in a sidescroller.  What perspective are you using?  Do you have a clear idea of how you want your game to look and how gameplay should work?  If so, it would probably be helpful to mention a few games that you would like it to be like on those fronts.  That would be helpful without getting into the more nitty-gritty of stylistic terminology.

Monday, October 24, 2011 - 14:26

You are in the right place, asking for the right things.  But you need to give more information or it's going to be hard to help you.

There is already a fair amount of RPG tileset material on OGA.  Have you already looked through it? If so, what do you need that isn't provided there?

More specifically:

What medium do you want?  I tend to assume pixel art for a top-down RPG, but that might not be what you're after at all.

Assuming pixel art, what resolution do you need?  This is probably the most important thing to know right off the bat.   Generally people tend to go for 16x16 or 32x32 tiles, and there's already quite a bit of that on OGA.

What do you already have?  When you say "house", do you mean interior or exterior tiles?  When you say "mine entrance" do you already have floors and walls?

What style are you going for?  High color count?  Low color count?  Cartoony, realistic, somewhere in between?


With the current information given, I wouldn't really know where to start and you'd probably end up with unusable assets.

Sunday, October 23, 2011 - 20:28

I like dwarves and warriors.  Partially this is because it allows me to accumulate my favorite varieties of swag--shiny weapons and armor.  I do enjoy playing other classes, though, depending on gameplay.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - 10:04

I really like the clean style you have here--it gives a certain ominous sense of sterility while still having plenty of details to interest the eye.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - 10:02

Thanks for the edit!  I'll have to take a closer look once I'm not in the hall outside my class, but I really like the direction you've taken the arm movement in.  You're right, it does look much more active.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 18:28 Just stumbled across these in Surt's gallery.  The licensing isn't the most permissive, but the quality is great.

Monday, October 17, 2011 - 10:52

OK, these are awful.  I have no idea why I put these up.  I'll try and get a better set up later!

Monday, October 17, 2011 - 10:40


Well, it has been recently demonstrated that one can make a top-down shooter using only OGA-derived assets (  If the ones up here aren't what you're looking for, you might want to check out Dan Cook's "Lost Garden" site.  For instance, he released the graphics he did for Tyrian (that one awesome shooter game from way back when) under CC-By:

If none of that is what you're after, you'll probably have to be a bit more specific as to what you want.  This looks pretty asset light, and the things you want are generally pretty fun to make, so you've probably got a decent shot at getting what you're after if you can be a bit more specific about size/resolution, style, etc.

Monday, October 17, 2011 - 10:38

How does this thread not have more posts?  Awesome job, and thanks for giving our ships a home!   A few things could be adjusted (different movement patterns for ships, maybe a bit more manual control of shooting so I feel more in charge, etc) but I enjoyed myself quite a bit.

Thursday, October 13, 2011 - 21:06

No offense to the current forum, but I think that the forums would be more active and useful if they were laid out more like the general standard.  As it stands they're kind of hard to navigate and not very intuitive to your average forum-o-phile (like myself).

A few things that have probably been noted before, but for the sake of completion:

-The infobar on the righthand side is fine for the main page, but it takes up a *lot* of real estate when you're trying to browse the forums.

-Similarly (and this has probably also been brought up,) there is a big chunk of empty space on the right of my screen.  That isn't a big problem for the main site, but it really crunches the forums together.

(illustration of what I mean in the above:

-They are not easy to navigate.  If you click on a subforum, the only link back to the forum index is the standard one at the top of the page (as far as I can tell, anyway)

-The difference between the "contains new post" forum icon and the "no new posts" icon is unnoticble on the background color--The icon should probaly change colors as is standard to make it nocible.

-Things are too broken up.  I know this has been brought up before, but it's important.

-The index page is really long, almost three screen-heights high on my laptop.  This makes it very hard to take things in with a glance.  The folder icons and text should probably be a bit smaller to make it all more compact and readable.


Sorry for the long post of criticisms; this is something I've been thinking over for a while.  I don't mean to be negative; I just think forums are one of the most important ways to get people socializing, so making them easy is important.  I know forum software can be a real pain, though, especially when you're doing it yourself.  So... yeah.
