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Sunday, August 7, 2011 - 22:49

Great job, guys!

Sunday, August 7, 2011 - 12:14

  Darky, you aren't doing yourself any favors by responding that way.  I am well within your target audience, in that I'm a professional pixel artist who enjoys making free contributions to promising projects.  Unfortunately, whether I choose to work on a project or not depends largely on my first impressions, and so far they have not been terribly positive.

  The very first impression, your topic post, was hard to get into.  It's just too long and disorganized for me to follow easily, and the broken links didn't help.  It's pretty important to preview a post like that before putting it up to make sure that it's well formatted and error free.  After all, that post is usually all you have to give a potential artist an idea of what you're really setting out to do (important) and to establish a sense of directed professionalism (most important).  Despite the issues with the post, I was willing to follow the thread further and see if my first instinct was wrong, but I haven't seen much to dissuade me.  You haven't been professional or even terribly courteous towards our anonymous poster's pointed but relevent criticisms.  No offense, but that isn't the sort of thing I'd want to deal with over the long haul of an ambitious project like this.

  I want you to understand, I'm not saying this to berate or attack you.  I know you didn't set out to make a bad impression, but if you're going to ever attract some serious artists to your project you really need to keep these things in mind.  Anyway, good luck with your project.

Thursday, August 4, 2011 - 10:24

Not only would these be good enough for some projects to use as-is, they would provide a solid base for edits or expansion.  Ofc, by making it CC0 he's made it so anyone could upload them anyway, but yeah.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 - 19:59

OK, a couple of notes so far from browsing:

If it would be possible to have customizable color schemes, that would be cool.  I tend to prefer light themes over dark ones for viewing art (not knocking the current one at all, it's just a personal preference).

When I click on a preview image while viewing a piece of art, it acts as a link back to that piece.  I don't know why I had the urge to click them in the first place, but yeah.

This is almost certainly known, but each piece seems to have been trimmed to one preview, and said single preview is deanimated if it had animation even when viewed on its own page.  The preview size also seems to have been enlarged for browsing--just resizing previews with interpolation to fit the box works for some pieces, but it's a bit problematic for pixel art.  Having a border around would probably look better.

Sorry if I'm just repeating stuff that's already known!

Ka-testing the edit function!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011 - 13:54

Nice edit!  This probably makes them fit better with the other tiles as well.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011 - 02:40

Hmm... somehow I have horizontal scrolling on this page.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 01:31

Yeah, that's a crazy highlight.  My camera battery is charging, I'll get a better one next time I take photos.

Monday, June 13, 2011 - 17:06

I once did use the general seperate every bodypart and reassemble to make different poses method (a sort of frankensteining, I suppose) when I first tried animating, but generally the results you'll get won't be as good.  I mean, there are certainly assets of poses you can and should reuse, especially heads to keep it consistent, but most new poses are going to need you to partially or wholly redraw the arms, legs, body, etc.  Generally, if I'm doing a running animation or something really dynamic like that I'll draw each frame from scratch--first just an outline with a blank color fill to test how well it animates, and then once I have something good there I'll clean up the lines and add details and shading.  For something simpler like an idle pose, I will generally select bodyparts and move them around, and then go back and clean up the damage I've done--redraw broken arm segments, smooth out newly formed jagged edges, etc.  In some cases I will nab an arm or leg from another pose, but generally I'll make some substantial edits to make it work smoothly.  Unfortunately, a lot of that relies on being able to quickly redraw/reshade those elements, which takes some practise.
Sorry not to go into more detail--it's a little difficult to describe, really, since it does also involve a pretty large amount of revision and C&C to get it to its final state.

Thursday, June 9, 2011 - 02:58

@Anonymous: 'Ello.  Unfortunately, I do not--that isn't really a part of my workflow.  Sorry about that.  Still, I'd love to see anything you end up making.

Friday, June 3, 2011 - 16:42

Ambras (also the name of the capital).
