Orthographic outdoor tiles
Orthographic outdoor tiles
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 07:27
Art Type:
The title says it all. Made for a commission, the committent agreed them to be released here under CC0, so here they are.
The tiles are sized 16x16.
Attribution Instructions:
NOT REQUIRED, though appreciated: credit me as Buch and link back either to my OGA profile page or to http://blog-buch.rhcloud.com

very nice, thanks for sharing
I love it. Colors are so beautiful.
Makes me want to save Hyrule.
Fantastic set.
this is great, I really like it! thanks!
Thanks a lot for this. I love the CC0 license, but you could have chosen the CC-BY license to make sure people give credit where it is due. I will give credit, anyway. It's the honor system. Haha.
I would gladly pay for a bigger art set!
Hey I just wanted you to know that I really love the style of this tileset and went ahead and added some things to it. If you would like to use them feel 100% free to add them to the original download. No credit to me need at all.
My version is more geared to work with Tiled and so shadows are semi-transparent so they can be used over any object.
I wanted to add things like cliffs and waterfalls but I am not very good at pixel art and when I atempted to make them, they did not look very good. If you or anyone else can add them, would be awesome.
nice!! it looks like poketmonster~!!
Really cool! Could you share your palette? That's be so awesome!
EDIT: If you don't mid, I have extracted it.
Awesome !! Thx :D
i was woundring can you make houses in this style i love them
I love your Art Style it gives me Zelda Nostalgia just looking at it
Some slight modifications and managed to make this out of the blue house
I just wanted to say that I used your tilesets for 3 of 4 level backgrounds in Garden Warden: https://mnilsson.itch.io/garden-warden . This one, as well as the floating islands tileset and the dungeon tileset. So you contributed a very great deal to the game; thanks!
are we 100% sure that these tiles are not at all derivative of a link to the past? i dont want to sound like a jerk, and i am not intending this as an attack on buch's integrity. the houses in particular look SO similar. really quite amazing and beautiful spritework, i just worry because i want to use them in a zeldalike freeware game i'm making and i want to be super careful to not used ANY ripped sprites because the big N is so scary and i dont want to get a cease and desist! please dont take this the wrong way. i am new here, and i really want to use these sprites cuz they are awesome.
I think I did an in-depth comparison back in the day. The conlusion was there was very little chance these were derived from LoZ assets. They do indeed look very similar, but that is by design. If I recall correctly, the textures and overall shape of the features are not the same in a way that implies buch's were created as an inspiration, but did not use the LoZ tileset as a guide or base.
As you can see from the above overlay comparison, there are plenty of similarities, but all of them have significant design differences. The texture and asthetic decisions that Buch made just don't make sense if he derived this from Nintendo's IP, but they make perfect sense if you consider this set was inspired by (and intentionally designed to approximate) Legend of Zelda's look. The closest similarities are the fence posts, but even those have "wood grain" differences. Plus, Nintendo's fence posts are biased to the lower-left corner of the tile, where Buch's are center-of-tile. I had to shift the tiles over to get them to overlap properly.
Are we 100% sure these aren't derived from Nintendo IP? Well, about as sure as anything else on OGA. I'd use these in my own game and be confident I am not infringing upon any copyrighted material. :)
thanks for the reply, that salves my paranoia considerably :) i just posted a reply in the forum to vladimirp's derivative work discussion citing this tileset as an example of why i am hesitant about some of the (admittedly great) artwork on this site. then when i went back over here you had replied to this comment!