Steam monster
Steam monster
Monday, January 24, 2011 - 10:46
Art Type:
Steam monster,
EDIT: and his less steamy cousins who were born because I forgot I set out to do something steamy half way through.
EDIT2: Fixed some things; new preview
EDIT3: Fixed stray transparent pixels
Attribution Instructions:
Attribution is not required; if you want, then attribute it to .

It's so beautiful...
I'm not really sure my first thought would be steampunk, but that's pretty much just a coloring thing. But I don't care, because I lurve it.
Can I keep it, pleeease?
I was inspired by your RPG monsters; at first I tried to do it in a style that would fit with them (because being compatible with other sets adds so much value to an asset) but in the end dropped that
I dunno, it's pretty darned close. I might do the tweaks necessary for full stylistic meshing at some point (mostly I want to play with it =D). I was kinda planning to do a series of machines anyway (somewhere after my vaguely in progress dragon supplement).