Isometric Hero and Heroine
Isometric Hero and Heroine
Here are the hero and heroine sprites used in Flare:
The scale you see is approximately 32x32px = 1m^2. Shaped appropriately for 64x32px base tiles (those measure 1.5m^2). This means the sprites are approximately 50px tall -- very similar to the scale used in old games like Fallout, Baldur's Gate, and Diablo. The scale is set to also work well for turn-based games (tactics, rogue-likes).
The same basic equipment is given for both genders. Each is in its own layer:
- Base full-body armor (cloth, leather, steel)
- Blade weapons (dagger, shortsword, longsword, greatsword)
- Ranged weapons (slingshot, shortbow, longbow, greatbow)
- Magic weapons (wand, rod, staff, greatstaff)
- Shields (buckler, shield)
Each frame of animation is 128x128px (large enough to fit all equipment). Animations are shown in 8 directions.
- Stance (4 frames)
- Running (8 frames)
- Melee Swing (4 frames)
- Block (2 frames)
- Hit and Die (6 frames)
- Cast Spell (4 frames)
- Shoot Bow (4 frames)
Finally, heads are on a separate layer.
- Male comes with a short hair, bald, and hood option
- Female only has one option at the moment
I use Blender 2.49 to create all of these. Blender files attached. Included is a python script that renders the 32-frame animation in 8 directions. Also included is an ImageMagick montage script to combine those 256 images into one sprite sheet.
Additional Credits:
Distressed Leather (used in Leather Armor) by D. Sharon Pruitt (CC-BY)
A few weapons loosely inspired by Naraphim (CC-BY-SA)

damn, your art is awesome!
Sometimes I think i should have used your art for my diablo clone game. :P
oh well, the art i have is fine enough for how the game is programmed. Maybe next time :P
Keep up the great! work
Hi Clint, is nice to see your work =).
Congrats for the evolution of flare.
could you just use png ?i cant download .zip
Hi, I'm making an RPG game and I desperately need modular enough character models. Looked everywhere, and even paid for some, but they were not good enough. These, however, are perfect, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use them in a commercial game (free but ad supported). Do I only need to credit + give link to an original (or a modification if I make one), or do I need to license the entire game as CC-BY-SA? Thanks
Anonymous, glad you like them!
About CC-BY-SA: it's unclear. Most people think that your game code license isn't affected by the art license. It may affect the rest of the art in your game, in some uses (e.g. are screenshots and video of the game "remixes" of the various art?).
You're nice enough to ask, so we'll go with credit + link (and mods if you make one) and you're good.
Do these include arrow/rock animations?
/*Hi, I absolutely love the flare assets and am thinking of using them in a game. A quick question however - I would like to have boots, greaves, helms etc in separate layers (so that i can mix-and-match a little) the versions in this pack have the armour compiled into one spritesheet. I've tried for an hour or two to hide certain parts of the model whereafter I could render the scene but to no avail (blender). How did you accomplish this when doing so for the assets for flare? I would like to have a full-size spritesheet (128x128) for all armour pieces.*/
Nevermind, I wrote a parser for the animation files instead :) Great assets! Thank you for sharing them.
Is there any way to get the actual hero in png format? all i seen was gear in the zip and i do not have access to blender.
A note: over time I have created more files that match these bases. They can be found in these two locations:
All of these specific files are CC-BY licensed to match this OpenGameArt upload. Note that some other characters in Flare-Game may be CC-BY-SA and do not apply to my message here.
Im no good with textures so I dont know how to put all of these boots and heads and all of it together to look like the image above. Can you please link PNGs for the whole hero? I really need
Clint I really need help do you have any version of the hero that is a single characterAnd not just the body or just the head or just the one? I really need a single sprite for all of the directions and I dont know how to connect the different images and Im no good with textures so even if I knew how I would probably mess it up. Please help me or if anyone else can help me please reply
@Archon -- Try this:
1) Download GIMP:
2) Open the armor you want to use (leather, clothes or steel)
3) In the window with the armor, click File-->Open as layers
4) select the head you want to use and click "open". The head should be perfectly aligned with the armor now
5) click Layer-->merge down to combine as a single sprite sheet
Repeat if you want to add weapons/shield. You may have to experiment with the best layer order, but it looks to be body-->weapon-->head
Can I use this on unity?
I cannot figure out how to grab the art-src directory from your github page.
When i download the entire project it does not have the art-src directory with it.
Hi Clint!
You mention:
> Included is a python script that renders the 32-frame animation in 8 directions
However, I failed to find this script, its not in any of the provided zip files
is there any chance you tell me where to find it?
Edit: found it in
Thank you for all your awesome work!
Hello, I'm rather new to game development but I think I have enough experience to try and create my own RPG game. I would like to use these sprites for my game but since I'm inexpirienced, I don't know how to create the full charecter out of all the seperate images within the provided zip file. Is it possible that anyone could send my a link to an already completed set or better yet a tutorial of some kind so that I could learn how to do it myself. Thanks.
-Hey our brother from Arrow series, use tutorials on our forum here, topics from right side, if you want to develop yourself, garret:
in case that you don`t understand, you are free to fly like a little birds, long a way from here, as option.