Bullet Collection 2 (M484 Games)
Bullet Collection 2 (M484 Games)
Here are some more bullets for you; this is the M484 Games Bullet Collection number 2.
For this set I tried to raise the quality a little bit; aiming for Arcade standards rather than Amiga standards. Although I don't know if that made any real difference in the end lol. But they look quite nice to me. :)
The most notable things here are the 16-way blaster bullets, the spinners and the Gradius inspired ripple beam effects.
And as you can notice I also included some "usage examples" there, which give some cool ideas of how the gfx might be used.
And if you like these and are planning to use them in a shmup, then make sure to also check out the "Lightning Weapon" that I made earlier, it follows the same style:
Attribution Instructions:
These graphics are in the Public Domain.
Attribution is not needed.
But if you wish to give me credit, then you can mention "Master484" as the original author.
Also if interested, you can follow me at https://vesavanhatupa.substack.com/

Do you have these available as separate files? Very difficult to use with them all on one .png.
No, all I have is that big .png image. Which I agree makes them somewhat clumsy to use; you have to cut them out individually to get your game sprites.
Currently this is the case with almost all of my graphics sets: no proper spritesheets or tilemaps, just big png images that contain everything...and many people have mentioned this to me. And I have been considering fixing this issue, but there are so many sets to fix that laziness has taken over. :)
But I think I might soon go through my most important gfx sets at least and make proper spritesheets for them, so that they would be easier to use. So I think this bullet collection too will be fixed in the future, although it's hard to say when exactly. :)
Thx for sharing ;D
Wildjoker, this is easy, man, you just download the files and after that, you simply edit them with your preferred image editor.
really liking the 16 directional projectiles. any more like that?
Thx for sharing brow! I used as a reference for my project
Hi! Thanks for your asset! I'm using this in my browser game "Lost Sector" https://www.kongregate.com/games/Enderlook/los
Hi how are you
i use this! thank you