Fantasy Icon Pack by Ravenmore
Fantasy Icon Pack by Ravenmore
Friday, June 29, 2012 - 08:20
Art Type:
- 1
- 2D - Collectibles
- 2D/3D Collectables and Powerups
- a'Questing
- Ars Tactics Resources
- CCG compatible art
- Fairytale platformer
- Fantasy Game art
- Generic Art Collection
- HD Items
- Heroes of a Lost World Icons
- legends
- Nice GUI elements
- Skinship GUI test elements
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top Down Fantasy RPG for Commercial Use
- Used in Valyria tear
Ravenmore's Icon Pack 2.0
Contains 29 hand painted icons.
+ 12 "upgraded versions" for weapons and armor
- transparent .png in 512x512, 128x128 and 64x64
- .psd source file (512x512)
Icons designed for a dark background.
Have fun with these! If you have any questions the contact details are on my site (
Attribution Instructions:
If you manage to sell/publish your game just drop my nick and a link to my portfolio ( in your games' credit section :) Thanks!

Oh, they're made with a dark background in mind, but probably will work in other situations =)
Thanks to the admins for reminding me I need to do a proper preview.
They look great! The style reminds me of Torchlight. Maybe someone could also upload some PNGs?
Updated with a coin icon.
Included transparent .png's in the original size (512x512) as a .zip file.
Bit overworked lately but I'll do my best to update it with at least one new icon per week.
We'll see how it goes!
Enjoy! =)
hi Ravenmore!
i wanted to drop by to say we're using your icon pack in our game, FlipOut. we entered it into the Ouya Game Jam contest. you can see the video we made for it here:
great job! the art works really well for us. right now we're using the icon pack 2.0. we'd have loved to use 1.1 as well but those didn't come in transparent .png or .psd and weren't as high resolution. i see you said you've lost the original source files, which is unfortunate. but that's okay, we're doing fine without.
thanks for sharing your art! and keep up the good work!
Hello again Ravenmore! This icon pack made my game possible...the perfect theme! (He also did a great job on my characters too, if you must know). Look forward to working with him again in the future. Ravenmore's artwork is featured on my upcoming board game here:
Thanks for all the nice comments :)
Expanded the pack with Golden Icons:
(already included in this pack with the latest download .zip)
An expansion suggested by the fine fellows at
Hope it comes in handy!
Also minor adjustments to previous icons, mostly cleanup.
I needed to register here to tell you that are one of the most beautiful rpg icons I have ever seen!! Extraordinary.
please leave your bitcoin address for volountary donations
No bitcoin support yet, but I do have a modest PayPal Donate button in the Resources section on my site:
had to download a specal file downloader in order to get the entire file for some reason tryed for 3 days to download it but thanks to star downloader i was finaly able to get the whole file free of errors
I lovee this.. its just perfect for my game
plz share more :D
I love your work, and I am using some (a lot) of your artwork on my new game:
Credits are on the about section of the game.
Wow! Amazing Quality! Thank you!!
Definitely one of the treasures in this site. Thank you!!!
What program do you make these in?
Photoshop CC :)
Needed a sealed envelope and a corresponding opened envelope for my game. Made a broken seal version of the envelope. Figured someone else might find it useful
(all credit and attribution to Ravenmore)
good idea
Great graphics, I used them in WorldGrower and I credited you.
Gracias por el aporte
Great job.
These are really wonderful. I didn't end up using them for my game (they didn't match the 16x16 pixel style I ended up going with). I did, however, make a plain spear from the upgraded one - I think the author forgot to include their version (they included an upgraded one only).
Here's the 64x64, which I made - sorry, I didn't make a higher-resolution one. I am uploading this under the same license as the original, since it's a derivative work.
These are incredible! Thanks a lot, I have used them in my iOS Game:
Puzzle with Medieval Weaponry
Thanks a lot for your icons. I used some in my latest game:
The Great Grub on also offers a free version.
Those are well done.
VERY GOOD ! ! ! !
High quality icons - thanks!
Hello, I love this art pack, but I've noticed you might have accidentally ommited one particular item: There is an UPGRADED SPEAR, but no "normal" SPEAR, in the pack.
Thank you for the materials. Just wanna let you know that I use it in my e-book: How I get Tricked By Unity (On Amazon). I have provided a link in the book to this asset. I purposely register this account to say thanks.