Generic 8-bit JRPG Soundtrack
Generic 8-bit JRPG Soundtrack

These compositions consist of new and old material, and a few Baroque arrangements, stylized to conform to NES restrictions. They're all designed to loop perfectly (with exception of the event sounds.) The tracklist largely conforms to my favorite RPG soundtrack, Final Fantasy 2. So it's a complete package at this point.
OGA has more than enough pixel art to design a complete game of this type, so I thought it'd be an awful shame to have to couple it with anything less than a proper 8-bit soundtrack.
I should include a tracklist, now that there are too many files to upload individually without making me frustrated with the upload form. Titles are just what I was going for. Might sound like something else entirely to you. :)
01 - Opening
02 - BWV 1007 - Prelude
03 - HWV 56 - Why do the nations so furiously rage together
04 - Sanctuary
05 - Reunion
06 - Rebels Be
07 - Town
08 - Overworld
09 - Z 339 - Here the Deities approve
10 - The Empire
11 - Ostrich!
12 - Timeworn Pagoda
13 - Danger
14 - Barbarian King
15 - Dungeon
16 - Enter the Emperor
17 - Victory
18 - Nighttide Waltz
19 - Courtesan
20 - Game Over
21 - Fanfare
22 - A New Comrade
23 - Inn
24 - RV 610 - Fecit potentiam
25 - Finale

Have you tried using Famitracker? It's a free (GPL, Windows only, but runs under Wine) program that allows you to create actual NES-compatible music.
I have used Famitracker before. The import function is a mess, and I don't like trackers in general. There wouldn't be a point in making NES-compatible music unless people were programming homebrew NES games. And that's a much more difficult process than using the engines and platforms available today.
Awesome ^_^
Some friends and I are working on an IOS game and by no way sure if we are going to finish but just letting you know we are using the music.
Keep up the good work great music.
Quite cool! What are they made with?
My workflow for these goes: Noteworthy Composer -> GXSCC -> Audacity. And a few others for small tasks.
The painstaking part is trying to create a lush sound with only three monophonic channels.
They are really great!
Hey great job on this music! I am making an 8-bit rpg platformer for iOS with this music and I would love if you could write at least some of these: A forest song(i am using the love theme currently for my forest), A cave song(im using the water temple theme) and/or a small village song!
Keep up the great work!
Just wanted to let you know I used some of your soundtracks in my LPC Entry. I think they're great, though I fear I might've not used them at the best of times.
Thanks for the music!
I added seven more tracks, and improved the instrumentation and volume levels of the first batch - among other minute edits. Should sound even more NES-like now.
While I'm not taking requests per se, I fast-tracked the town song for you, fir3st0rm9.
Gee thanks for that, these are some really great assets for any rpg game developer!
An update, for everyone following this submission: I'm pretty much done! 25 tracks. I'm happy with that. Improved the sound, added a whole bunch of new material, etc. It's got everything you could possibly need for a little 8-bit adventure.
If anybody wants to update the preview, that would be awesome. Otherwise I'll have to get to it later.
What a soundtrack!
I updated the preview audio file.
By the way: If you feel like uploading/backing up the midi files here, they might turn out useful to somebody.
Thanks qubodup. I can do one better, I uploaded the MIDI files and the Noteworthy Composer project files.
The instrumentation is optimized for GXSCC, so the MIDIs aren't designed to be played as-is. It's a simple matter to edit them, though.
i am 100% using this in my game. thank you very much. much appreciated
very nice! would love to use in my flash game if you are okay and i will give credit
Awesome Soundtrack i must say.
I've used some tracks in my new Flash Game : "FIGHT ZONE"
Look for credits in the final Level :)
Thanks for the great Soundtrack.
Play Fight Zone at :
It reminds me of a cross between the Mario arcade game, and Atari's Combat. Thanks for letting me know. I love to see how the music couples with people's games.
hello avgvst I am new in this web site, but I already have many months into of gaming world,
congratulations your music is simply awesome! I liked very much
and I am using a of your songs in my humble game.
now it is in demo version but in this days I going to release the full version. for the moment you can play it here:
On Block
by the way, I will not forget, I mention you in the credits.
thank you and greetings!
Awesome work!
I have used a few of the songs in my game: :)
Hi there,
Jumped in to say, great tracks and terrific job!
I've used two of your songs in my game, with a little modification here and there:
I've mentioned you in the credits.
Hope you are okay with it, they fit really well...
Thank you very much and best regards.
I used some of your tracks in my game "Steamin Demon".
I am using some of your tracks in my game. Please let me know if crediting to avgvst is correct.
I am using your tracks here:
More info on the project here:
Your tracks are amazing!
Can i use your " Opening "soundtrack in my game project ?
Yes, of course you can use it. That's why it's posted here. :P
Thank you.I'll add this page to Credits :)
This is really nice.
Congrats for the work and thank you !
I used the assets in my project:
Phaser 3 Tilemap & File Pack Project Template
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'm using your music in a trailer for a game at school (! Great Work!
Hi Avgvst! I just wanted to tell you that I really love this music. I'm not using it in a game, but I am listening to it on loop almost every day while I write code. It's a brilliant soundtrack and you are truly gifted. The fact it's also Creative Commons is a gift to this world! Thank you!
Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it.
Hello! I am using your music for this game:
Amazing soundtrack, I'll be using it on my game Nemithia and I'll put your name in the description page and in the game's credits
It's wonderful.
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I made a game using your soundtrack!
Here it is!
Really nice songs! Used some in my game and credited you, thanks for making that possible!
Beautiful material. I used it in my mini-game, it's called Sworm Testimony. It's a visual novel or essay that tells the story of trials in premodern times against caterpillars. You play the defense lawyer – I wanted to give it an anti-speciesist twist! Thanks again for the beautiful work. I've mentioned you on the description and inside the game. I hope that's okay, but let me know