$12256 / $11500
These files are directly generated from our sources, thus the placeholder icon might show up several times. Not counting it multiple times, we end up with 44 resource icons and 40 building icons. Their size is 32x32px for resources and 46x46px for buildings. Blame GUI spacing for those sizes :-)
We will most likely update this contribution as our icon base grows. Also check our in-game HUD.
Created with: montage -background black -geometry +1+1 -border +4+4 -bordercolor white content/gui/icons/(location)/???.png final.png
Very nice, very nice indeed.
But on "unknown_horizons_buildmenu_44_icons_50x50.png" there is a corrupt section o_O
Thanks for pointing it out! Should be fixed by now, file got re-uploaded.
We've updated these two icon sets.
Those are some really nice icons. I ended up using just one. The meat. For a resource icon.