Seven Kingdoms
Seven Kingdoms
Monday, June 22, 2015 - 13:09
Art Type:
Enlight has released the resources of Seven Kingdoms under the GPL! Code, graphics, mods, and discussion of the game available at
An excellent resource for strategy games.
Unfortunately, this package doesn't include:
- The updated source code or binaries to the game. These are provided by other respective packages by 7kfans.
- The original game music. These files cannot be distributed as Enlight does not own the copyright. This includes the music directory and the intro video.
- The original translations resource file. This file was created by third party distributors and Enlight does not have the right to distribute it. This will be replaced by the 7kfans project.
- Any other content from original game CDs, including the version 2.12b game binary or older. This also includes the I*Magic Online service.
Due to the original format of the resources, some sprites contain gif-like compression artifacts. If I (or you!) am able to obtain a more refined version of these assets in the coming days, I will update this submission with the corrected sprites.

Looks like good stuff, though I'm getting an error opening the archive hmm
Unable to duplicate problem opening archive. What error are you seeing?
The error wasn't very specific at all. It seems to me that the achive wasn't fully downloaded. It's all good now.
I think newra was having a similar problem on an unrelated download:
No idea if it's related or not, but try downloading the smaller .7z file I just added. I don't know if you have 7zip, but even if you don't it should tell us if it's cutting out at the 10MB mark or something.
I see, thanks, I eventually managed and edited my comment right after. I actually have 7zip and prefer such archives when available. The "smaller" part might add a bit of confusion and make people think that the resolution of the graphics is actually lower xD
The game's sound effects also seem to have been open-sourced, it would be nice to post them on OpenGameArt as well :)
@Andrettin: I'll need some help tracking down the explicit permissions for the sound effects and which sound resources that permission pertains to before I'm willing to upload them.
I try to be absolutely sure about the licensing and author's permission before I post anything here. The music is already explicitly off-limits license-wise, so I was a little sketchy on the sound effects license.
Hello MedicineStorm,
You are absolutely right in wanting to sure of permission before posting it here. The sound data is contained in 7KAA's package within the \data\resource\ folder, in the a_wave1.res and a_wave2.res files.
The source package's readme reads:
"This is a GPL release of the Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries thanks to
Enlight Software which granted the ability to license the game under a
free and open source license in 2009. See the file "COPYING" for the
details of the license.
What is missing from the open source version of the game
* The original game music. The music is provided by 7kfans, but separately
from the source tree. It is not under the GPL license, but it is free to
download and use with 7KAA.
* The original game intro video. Support may be restored in future releases.
* Any other content from original game CDs, game manual, including the version
2.12b game binary or older. This also includes the I*Magic Online service."
Well, the sounds are included in the open-source package (in the exact same manner as the graphics), so it seems clear to me that the license also applies to those sounds.
Good point.
Now I just need to find the resource editor used to extract the graphics. Soon as we have the sound effects in a more usable format (.ogg, .wav, etc.) I'll upload them.
The sounds are obviously from some non free sampler CDs. I immediately recognize several samples, that were also used in Magic Carpet and Dungeon Keeper, which also took a lot of samples from Sound Ideas 6000.
But, you can add them, so I will have one more entry in
Here is the script I used to extract them:
Path = '/path/to/a_wave2.res'
Dst = '/path/to/output/folder'
Ext = '.wav'
Bs = Path.get
N = Bs.take{2}.u2
ESize = 9+4
Es = map E Bs.drop{2}.take{N*ESize}.group{ESize}
| [E.take{8}.utf8 E.drop{9}.u4 0]
Es.(N-1).2 <= Bs.size - Es.(N-1).1
for I N-1:
| K = N-I-2
| Es.K.2 <= Es.(K+1).1 - Es.K.1
for Name,Offset,Size Es: "[Dst]/[Name][Ext]".set{Bs.drop{Offset}.take{Size}}
Why would I add them if they're infringing on copyright?
It doesn't apply to sounds. Sounds in these old games are royalty free, meaning they can only be used in project they were licensed to be used, and/or by the sound designer who owns the CD with these samples.
@Omerolvey: are you encouraging people to use copyright-infringing works? If the sounds are not openly licensed, I won't be adding them. The questionable nature of the sound effects is the reason I never included them in the first place.
Nope. It is the opposite. I've complained numerous times that OGA includes dubious assets. For example, I wanted to use that "public domain" galaxy art to produce a spell effect for my game, but found that it was stolen. It would be easier, if you warn uploders that they shouldn't upload stuff they have just found on the web or ripped from the games. And then you remove perfectly fine art, like that guy who uploaded a sprite made out of his photo, that for example could have been used as a spectator in a racing or some ball game or as a referene for 3d model. And it was game-ready, because he has taken troubles to remove background. And now there is no public domain human character photo at all, if you want to use one.
You've complained numerous times in the first 4 hours you've been on OGA, and we've done pretty well to address those complaints already. We already warn uploaders that they shouldn't upload questionable content. We warn them in multiple places. Sometimes they do anyway. Sometimes we don't have telepathic powers and don't realize right away they are questionable. However, as soon as we do realize, we correct the situation.
If you're against people uploading questionable content, why would you post a script on how to extract and use the questionable portions of a game package?
I would say "thanks for pointing out an issue with copyright" but there isn't one here. The sounds you referred to were never part of this submission.
This very package was uploaded to OGA before by a different user, but it included the questionable portions I have omitted, so it was unpublished. The original uploader refused to stop uploading questionable content, refused to admit the content was unethical, and refused to correct submissions with questionable licenses. For these reasons, he was banned. Don't act like OGA welcomes copyright infringement. When we find it, we deal with it.
What a surprise. It's great.