Seven Kingdoms

Seven Kingdoms


Enlight has released the resources of Seven Kingdoms under the GPL! Code, graphics, mods, and discussion of the game available at

An excellent resource for strategy games.

Unfortunately, this package doesn't include:

  • The updated source code or binaries to the game. These are provided by other respective packages by 7kfans.
  • The original game music. These files cannot be distributed as Enlight does not own the copyright. This includes the music directory and the intro video.
  • The original translations resource file. This file was created by third party distributors and Enlight does not have the right to distribute it. This will be replaced by the 7kfans project.
  • Any other content from original game CDs, including the version 2.12b game binary or older. This also includes the I*Magic Online service.

Due to the original format of the resources, some sprites contain gif-like compression artifacts. If I (or you!) am able to obtain a more refined version of these assets in the coming days, I will update this submission with the corrected sprites.

File(s): 12.7 Mb [5488 download(s)]
SevenKingdoms_graphics.7z SevenKingdoms_graphics.7z 8.6 Mb [2161 download(s)]